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Kids and Education (VI) – Say “Sorry”
2008-7-29 02:44
When I was a child, I used to walk to the school and back twice a day during school terms. It was fun and good exercise except on those rainy or freezing days. Nowadays though, kids are collected by their parents or grandparents for var ...
个人分类: 英文速写|6421 次阅读|5 个评论
Summer Fete
2008-6-16 00:59
In England, almost every school has its Summer Fete every summer. Its an event for people related to the school such as students, teachers, parents, siblings and other family members to have some fun together under the lovely summer sunshine (not always available though due to the typi ...
个人分类: 英文速写|7874 次阅读|2 个评论
Kids and Education (VI) – The Basics
2008-4-27 04:33
When I ask my children how they are getting on in the school, I do it with the intention of knowing if they are okay or need any help. But every so often, I get the told off from them by hearing this: Mum, please stop bei ...
个人分类: 英文速写|4562 次阅读|4 个评论
Bach, Handel and Two Flutes
2008-4-11 03:59
The golden evening sunshine was pouring on the plain and the river running quietly through the greens. The spring was in my opinion, the best season in Oxford . The birds were singing happily on the branches and colourful flowers swaying in the gentle breeze. ...
个人分类: 英文速写|5116 次阅读|3 个评论
Kids and Education (V) – Charity Days
2008-3-30 21:30
One other thing that I like about our daughters school in Oxford is the fact that despite of being a private school, the teachers are making every effort in working with the children to raise money for different charities - not only for ...
个人分类: 英文速写|5327 次阅读|3 个评论
Kids and Education (IV) – School Concert
2008-3-23 00:50
There are three different School Orchestras in the Senior Department of our childrens school, according to the players grades and abilities. Our eldest daughter has been in this department for two terms (there are three terms in a ...
个人分类: 英文速写|5708 次阅读|4 个评论
Kids and Education (III) – Year Production
2008-3-12 06:13
Compared with the amount of homework that I used to do or number of hours that their cousin is spending on her homework in Beijing , our children really should be grateful of the spare time they have got left to play, in ...
个人分类: 英文速写|5136 次阅读|7 个评论
Kids and Education (II) - Parents' Committee
2008-3-10 05:23
Further to my previous piece, what I like to mention next about the schooling herein Oxford is the effort that the majority of parentsput into towards the school activities. Ever ...
个人分类: 英文速写|5457 次阅读|4 个评论
Kids and Education (I) - Questions
2008-3-7 03:11
I feel that the Chinese and British education systems are very much different, and so are the parents attitudes towards this subject. I have no intentions he ...
个人分类: 英文速写|5477 次阅读|2 个评论
An Old "Friend"
2008-3-2 05:50
The Girls Under 11 (Years Old) Chess Championship is the only Girls Team event that the English Primary Schools Chess Association ( http://www.epsca.org.uk/ ) organizes every year in the UK, which started in 1984. 14 County teams ...
个人分类: 英文速写|4439 次阅读|2 个评论

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