Guolin Wu Bolg Quantum Hermene ...分享 philosophy of physics、philsophy of technology、quantum hermeneutics


Resume of Guolin Wu

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Education and Professional Experience Resume of Mr. Guolin Wu


July, 1999 – Now          Professor, Working in South China University of Technology

Spet. 1996—July, 1999    Ph.D.  Department of Philosophy,  Renmin University of China

Majoring  Philosophy of Science and technology

Sept. 1994 – Jan. 1995     Certificate of EPT (English Proficiency Test)Training for scholarship abroad, Sichuan University, Chengdu

Sept. 1988—July, 1991       MA. of  Education, School of Physics, Sichuan Normal University

Majoring in Physics Education

July, 1984 – Sept. 1996,     Department of Physics, Daxian Teachers’ College , Sichuan Province

Sept. 1980 — July, 1984      Bachelor of Physics, Sichuan Normal University 


Prof. Guolin Wu

Vice-dean, School of Marxism and Philosophy, South China University of Technology

Director, Center for Philosophy of Science and Technology, South China University of Technology


Academic Title


Vice Secretary-General of Guangdong’s  Philosophy of Science and Technology.

Committeeman of China Complexity and System Philosophy Association

Committeeman in the Association for Philosophy of Technology.

And so on.


Award Received

Award of the Seventh Sichuan Province Young Expert Excellent Paper in Philosophy for the Finite And Infinite of Universe (Series Paper, Team work project) by Sichuan Association for Science and Technology in December,1996 (Third Grade)

Find Soul——Human Nature and Poetry in Knowledge TimeMono-work),Guandong Education Press2001.6, It has been awarded of the 6th China Book Nomination Prize and the 8th Excellent Book of Young Writer(First Prize).



More than 120 papers in academic publications and international conferences, including:

1.  New Exploration for the Creation of Universe. Studies in Dialectics of Nature1992(1):10-21,28

2.  Exploration for the Dissipative Structure Model of  Universe. Studies in Dialectics of Nature ,19935

3.  On The Scientific Preconditions of The Dissipative Structure Model of  UniverseStudies in Dialectics of Nature,1993;(7:1-10.

4.  The Stability of Space-time And Its Philosophical Thinking. Science, technology and dialectics,19931

5.   On the Materiality of the Creation of Universe ---- Review on The Model of Quantum CosmologyYunnan Social Science,1993(2):42-48

6   The Principle of Creating-Order. Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Natural Science)19932

7.  The Least Action Principle and its Meaning. Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Natural Science)19936

8.   Nonlinearity, Chaos And The Finite and Infinite of Universe. Studies in Dialectics of Nature19944The paper has been included in Dialectics of Nature B2 19945 of Copy Journal of Renmin University of China.

9.   New Exploration for the Dividility of Matter. Studies in Dialectics of Nature(in Chinese)1994;(8):61-65The paper has been included in Dialectics of Nature B2 19948 in Copy Journal of Renmin University of China.

10.  Thinking about the Finite And Infinite of Universe Again. Yunnan Social Science19951The paper has been included in Dialectics of Nature B219954 of Copy Journal of Renmin University of China.

11.  Progress and Prospect of Modern CosmologyExploration of NatureNatural Science,1993(4):91-97.

12.   Order,Creating-order and outlook of Creating-orderJournal Of Daxian Teachers CollageNatural Science),19931

13.  Operators of quantum mechanics and its philosophical thinkingChuangdong Academic Journal19943

14.  On the Openness of Micro-matter and Its Influence on the Dividility of Matter.Science, technology and dialectics19961

15.  The Dividility of Matter from methodologyJournal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science)1996(6):23-28.The paper has been included in Philosophy of Science and Technology B2 19979 of Copy Journal of Renmin University of China.

16.   The Super-string Theory and Related Openness, Dividility and ” Observers”Yunnan Social Science1996(6):49-54. The paper has been included in Philosophy of Science and Technology B2 19973 in Copy Journal of Renmin University of China.

18.  Exploring EPR Paradox from the Openness of Micro-matter. EPR paradoxes from the open view of micro-matter, Science, technology and dialectics19971

19.  On the Unity between Infinite  of  Dividility of Matter and Infinite of UniverseJournal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science), 19972The paper has been included in Theory of Philosophy 19976 of Copy Journal of Renmin University of China.

20.   The Change of Idea and Modernization. Theory and Modernization,1997(9):34-37.

21      Discussion on OpennessPhilosophical Trends1997(7):23-25.

22      Is Postmodern Science correct? Journal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science)1998;(4):16-22The paper has been included in Xinhua Journal 1999:3, Collection of 21 Century China Social Development Policy StudyNoB6353and Copy Journal of Renmin University of China.

23      On the Legitmacy ofScience. Study and Exploration2000;(2):71-77The paper has been included in Philosophy of Science and Technology B2 20007 of Copy Journal of Renmin University of China and Guangming Daily Newspaper on June15,2000.

24.   On the Objectivity of Knowledge. Science of science and management of S. and T.2000;(6):37-39.

The Concepts, Assessment and Complexity of the Transfer for Scientific and Technological Achievements. Studies in Dialectics of Nature20009;42-45.

25.   To Openness RealityScience, technology and dialectics2000(5):39-43.

26.        Why is Opennessism Possibe? Academics in China 20002000;(6):31-36.

27.        Modern Science & Technology and Postmodern Knowledge. Journal of South China University of Technology (Social Science)2001;(1):35-39. The paper has been included in Philosophy of Science and Technology B2 20018 of Copy Journal of Renmin University of China.

28.        On the Reality of CyberspaceJournal of Foshan University(Social Science Edition)2001(3):8-12.

29.        Small-and –Medium Enterprise Nets: Key Nodes of Developing West-Center Region in China. Inquiry Into Economic Problems2000(7):23-26.

30.  Intersubjectivity and Objectivity. Science, technology and dialectics2001;6):4-729

31.     The Methodological Meaning of Small-and –Medium Enterprises Nets: Based on the Complex Systems. Studies in Dialectics of Nature2001;(11):23-26.

32.     On the Uncertainty of Knowledge. Study and Exploration2002;(1):14-18The paper has been included in Philosophy of Science and Technology of Copy Journal of Renmin University of China.

33.        Guolin WuStudies on the Complex Management ModelProceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of International Society for the System Sciences(ISSS), August 2nd-6th, 2002, Shanghai, P. R. China. IBSN 0-9664183-8-7.

34.        Guolin Wu, The Emergent Mechanism of Industry-University Cooperation, The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernatics and Informatics. July 27-30, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA. Proceedings, Volume XVI, Systemics and Information System, Technologies and Applications. Edited by Nagib Callaos, Daryoush Farsi, Mary Eshaghian-Wilner, Timothy Hanratty, Naphtali Rashe.  pp. 353-356. ISBN: 980-6560-01-9

35.        Intersubjectivity, Objectivity and The Measurement of Quantum Mechanics. Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2003

36.        On the Unlimited Divisibility of Matter AgainStudies in Dialectics of Nature2004:3.

37.        New Views on science value-laden, Journal of Shandong University of Sciences & Technology(Social Science Edition))2004,3)。

38.        37.  Study on Technological Innovation PlatformScience & Technology Progress and Policy2005,(1)。

39.        On the Complexity of Industry-University Cooperation, Generating Systemic Intervention and the Methodological Principles.  Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science Edition)2005(1)

40.        On the Essential Property of Quantum Information, Science, technology and dialectics2005;6.

41.        Quantum Entanglement And Its Philosophical Meaning, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 2005, (7).

42.        Quantum non-locality and Its Philosophical Meaning, Philosophical Researches. 2006, (9).

43.        Philosophy of quantum information is coming. Philosophical Trend. 2007, (1).

44.        Quantum and philosophical problems, inThe New Advancements of Philosophy of Science”, Science Press, 2008.

45.        Computational ComplexityQuantum Computation And Its Philosophical Implications, Studies In Dialectics Of Nature. 2007, (1). The basic concepts of quantum control and its philosophical implications, Science, Technology And Dialectics. 2007, (6).

46.        Encounter Between Phenomenological Phenomena and Quantum Phenomena. Studies In Dialectics Of Nature. 2008, (5).

47.        The creation of quantum entanglements and its philosophical implications, Journal of South China University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition). 2008, (5).

48.        Post-phenomenology and its development. Philosophical Trend. 2009, (4).

49.        Quantum teleportation and its causational analysis. Studies In Dialectics Of Nature, 2009, (6).

50.        The Implication of Phenomenology to Quantum Measurement. Wuhan 1st International Symposium on the Philosophy of Science——Structural Realism and the Philosophy of Quantum PhysicsWuhan, 2009.7.18—20.

51.        Philosophical discussions on quantum technology, in “Engineering, Technology and Philosophy(Vol.2008/2009)”, Dalian University of Technology Press, 2010.

52.        Discussions on quantum technology, in “Technology and philosophy”, 2009,No.4, Harbin University of Technology Press, 2009.

53.        The Reflection of Phenomenological Concepts Based on Quantum Mechanics, Journal of North-East University(social sciences edition), 2010, (1).

54.        Research on the quantum phenomenology. in “Philosophical Review”,No.8.  Wuhan University Press, 2010. 

55.         Grove’s AlgorithmQuantum Control And Their Implications, Studies In Dialectics Of Nature, 2011, (1).

56.         Quantum Entanglement And Its Philosophical Extension, Philosophical Analysis, 2010, (2).

57.        Substance, Quantum Entanglement and The Realism of Interaction, Theory Monthly, 2011,(3).



More than 17 Books:


1.  The First Force Co-work),China Economy Press1998.

2.  Philosophy of ScienceEdited by Dachun LiuTextbook of Graduates),Renmin University of China Press1998.

3.  Information Revolution in ChinaEdited by Shunji Huang),Renmin University of China Press1998.

4.      Find Soul——Human Nature and Poetry in Knowledge TimeMono-work),Guandong Education Press2001.  It has been awarded of the 6th China Book Nomination Prize and the 8th Excellent Book of Young Writer(First Prize).

5.   Binzhao Tang,Guolin WuThe Problem of ScienceTechnologyEconomy and SocietySouth China University of Technology Press2001.

6.   Exploring Knowledge EconomyMono-work),South China University of Technology Press, 2001.

7.  Guolin Wu and so onThe Second Innovation ProjectBeijin University of Post and Telecommunication Press2002.

8.  Guolin WuExploration of TruthGoodness and Beauty in EverythingShanxi Science and Technology Press2004.

9.  (Co-work) Administration decision-making StudyChina Social Science Press2004.

10. Guolin, Wu, Xianyao Sun, An Introduction of philosophy of physics. People press, 2007.

11. Guolin Wu, Philosophy of Quantum Information (2011, to be published).


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