
Everyday is your special day
热度 1 代珍 2012-12-3 07:16
I think I have heard a similar story when I was in middle school.But now it happened to me. To be honest ,I don't like potatoes before Thanksgiving Day and think it kind of stupid(Jut my personalviewand hope it won'tannoypotato fans) .But the traditional food of Than ...
3863 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
How far is it 2--- Cyrus
热度 1 代珍 2012-11-24 14:21
Cyrus is my friend Lisa's elder son .This name comes from Bible since Lisa couple is Christian.After Cyrus was born in USA, he was sent to China to stay with his grandparents for 2 years due to Lisa couple's busy work.But Cyrus can still speak very good English and a little Chinese(Usually he spe ...
2988 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
How far is it?
代珍 2012-11-24 12:50
I am very happy to find a hot debate on the science net about young scholars'choice for their future career.Actually I think it is a personal affair and depend on what you like in your life. This is a quite easy question for most of my American friends.When they decide to further their education for ...
2480 次阅读|没有评论
代珍 2012-10-21 04:34
进组一个半月了,组里所有的guy都对老板钦佩有加,每每谈及,总是说他是一个如此smart和learned的人,同时所有的guy也都以老板的勤勉为榜样,即便是这里人们最闲散的周末,如果问他们的plan,通常情况下总是work.老板的勤勉是大家有目共睹的,每当我被语言和文献折磨得焦头烂额的时候,就会觉得我和本地人之间看不见却难以逾 ...
3082 次阅读|没有评论
代珍 2012-9-2 07:48
初来新地才两日,但各种震撼在心中潜滋暗长, 原本以为这里不过是异域一个破败的大农村,做好了来此吃苦的准备,但真到了,新地之大,超乎我的想象;新地之好,也超乎我的想象;车、房这些国人还在翘首以盼的奢侈品这里却是常人皆可有的必备品;我住在SH家宽敞的别墅里,在夜幕降临时在楼外独自踱步,仰望天际,浩瀚的苍穹 ...
3184 次阅读|没有评论

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