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已有 3207 次阅读 2019-11-6 12:18 |个人分类:听高绪仁讲肩关节那些事儿|系统分类:科普集锦| 肩袖损伤, 法国巴黎肩关节研讨会, 肩胛下肌肌腱损伤, 高绪仁, 江苏省







     2020年2月13日星期四到2020年2月15日星期六,法国巴黎肩关节研讨会将在法国巴黎召开。此次法国巴黎肩关节研讨会的大会主席是法国巴黎肩关节专家Philippe Valenti和法国安纳西肩关节专家Laurent Lafosse。



     第一天的主题:Currents Concepts in Rotator Cuff and Subscapularis (SSC) Tears(肩袖撕裂和肩胛下肌撕裂的当今理念)

     第二天的主题:Currents Concepts and Long-Term Results of Postero Superior Cuff Tear(当今理念和后上方肩袖撕裂的长期效果)

      第三天的主题:Complex Rotator Cuff Tear(复杂的肩袖撕裂)


    Currents Concepts in Rotator Cuff and Subscapularis (SSC) Tears


06h55-07h00: Welcome

06:55-07:00 欢迎致辞

Ph. Valenti (France), L. Lafosse (France)

Ph. Valenti (法国), L. Lafosse (法国)

07h00-08h00: Presentations

07:00-08:00 演讲

Current Concepts in Rotator Cuff


> Macro- and microstructural damage of the subscapularis tendon •• Ph. Moroder (Germany)

肩胛下肌肌腱的宏观和微观结构的损伤 Ph. Moroder (德国) 

> Supra and infraspinatus anatomy revisited •• H. Sugaya (Japan)

  再看冈上肌个冈下肌肌腱的解剖  H. Sugaya (日本)

> The Rotator Cuff and the Superior Capsule: Why We Need Both •• P. Denard (USA)

   肩袖和上关节囊:为什么我们两个都需要?P. Denard (美国)

> Bony anatomy of the scapula and RCT •• K. Wieser (Switzerland)

  肩胛骨的骨性解剖与肩袖撕裂 K. Wieser (瑞士)

> Effects of rotator cuff tears on shoulder biomechanics •• G. Athwal (Canada)

  肩袖撕裂对肩关节生物力学的影响 G. Athwal (加拿大)

> Chronic massive RCT and range of motion •• Ph. Collin (France)

   慢性巨大肩袖撕裂和肩关节活动范围 Ph. Collin (法国)

08h00-08h30: Relive Surgery

08:00-08:30 手术录像回放

Tips & Tricks to Evaluate the Function of the Shoulder


> Best clinical tests for subscapularis lesions •• R. Hertel (Switzerland)

  肩胛下肌肌腱损伤的最好的临床检查方法 R. Hertel (瑞士)

> Clinical signs to suspect biceps pathology •• L. Favard (France)

  二头肌长头腱病例相关的临床征象 L. Favard (法国)

> Best clinical signs to assess posterosuperior cuff tears •• R. Hertel (Switzerland)

  评估后上方肩袖撕裂的最好的临床征象 R. Hertel (瑞士)

> Best clinical tests to assess teres minor deficiency •• P. Mansat (France)

  评估后小圆肌肌腱撕裂的最好的临床征象 P. Mansat (法国)

> Clinical evaluation of periscapular muscles deficiency •• B. Elhassan (USA)

   肩关节周围肌肉功能缺失的临床评估 B. Elhassan (美国)

08h30-09h00: Lecture - C. Gerber (Switzerland)

Fatty infiltration and atrophy of the rotator cuff: what we have to know in 2020?

08:30-09:00 讲座 C. Gerber(瑞士)


09h00-10h00: Presentations

09:00-10:00 演讲

Subscapularis (SSC) Tear


> Best imaging to evaluate SSC tear and its reparability? •• J.-F. Kempf (France)

  评估肩胛下肌肌腱撕裂和可修复性的最佳影像学 J.-F. Kempf (法国)

> How to classify SSC lesions •• J. Barth (France)

   如何将肩胛下肌肌腱撕裂分类? J. Barth (法国)

> The hidden lesion of the SSC •• L. Neyton (France)

   隐蔽型的肩胛下肌肌腱撕裂 L. Neyton (法国)

> Criteria to repair partial SSC lesions •• K. Wieser (Switzerland)

   修复部分肩胛下肌肌腱撕裂的标准 K. Wieser (瑞士)

> Coracoid impingement: does it exist? •• G. Nourissat (France)

   喙突撞击:存在么? G. Nourissat (法国)

10h00-10h30: Coffee break

10:00-10:30 会间休息时间

10h30-11h00: Relive Surgery

10:30-11:00 手术录像回放

Tips and Tricks to Repair SSC Lesions


> How and when do you repair the SSC in the box •• Ph. Moroder (Germany)

  如何及何时修复肩胛下肌损伤?Ph. Moroder (德国)

> How and when do you repair the SSC out of the box •• P. Randelli (Italy)

  如何及何时修复肩胛下肌损伤?P. Randelli (Italy)

> New vision to repair a complete SSC tear •• G. Athwal (Canada)

  修复完全的肩胛下肌肌腱撕裂的新视野 G. Athwal (加拿大)

> Tips and tricks to repair a retracted SSC Tear •• L. Lafosse (France)

   修复退缩性肩胛下肌肌腱撕裂的技巧和窍门 L. Lafosse (France)

> One or two double row for SSC repair? •• J. Keener (USA)

  单排还是双排修复肩胛下肌肌腱撕裂? J. Keener (USA)

11h00-11h30: Interactive Cases Discussion

11:00-11:30 互动式病例讨论

3 cases SSC tear Traumatic / Degenerative /Antero superior


Moderator: E. Calvo (Spain)

主持人:E. Calvo (西班牙)

Speakers: K. Wieser (Switzerland), Y. Barth (France), D. Dines (USA)

演讲者:K. Wieser (瑞士), Y. Barth (法国), D. Dines (美国)

11h30-12h30: Live Surgery

11:30-12:30 现场手术转播

Repair SSC Lesion


12h30-14h00: Lunch & Industry Workshops

12:30-14:00 午餐及厂家工作操作工作坊

14h00-14h30: Mini Battle

14:00-14:30 小辩论

Long Head of the Biceps (LHB)


> Best imaging for the LHBiceps: Ultrasound versus MRI? •• H. Guérini (France)

  肱二头肌长头腱最佳的影像学:超声还是磁共振? H. Guérini (法国)

> Why do you prefer tenotomy? •• WN. Levine (USA)

  为何是那么你更喜欢肱二头肌长头腱切断术?WN. Levine (美国)

> Why do you prefer a lasso loop fixation tenodesis? •• L. Lafosse (France)

   为什么你更喜欢lasso环固定肱二头肌长头腱?L. Lafosse (法国)

> Why do you prefer an interference screw fixation in the BG? •• Ph. Valenti (France)

   为什么你喜欢用界面螺钉将肱二头肌长头腱固定在结节间沟?Ph. Valenti (法国)

> Why and how you do a subpectoralis fixation? •• P. Denard (USA)

  为什么几如何进行胸大肌下肱二头肌长头腱固定术?P. Denard (美国) 

> Why and how I perform the Keynote procedure •• J. Kany (France)

   为什么及如何采用Keynote的方法固定肱二头肌长头腱?J. Kany (法国)

14h30-15h30: Presentations

14:30-15:30 演讲

Moderateur: P. Mansat (France)

主持人:P. Mansat (法国)

Clinical and Radiological Results of SSC Repair more than 10 Years FU


> Long term results of SSC •• L. Lafosse (France)

  肩胛下肌肌腱撕裂的长期临床随访结果 L. Lafosse (法国)

> Long term results of SSC +/ - SS repair •• L. Nove Josserand (France)

  肩胛下肌肌腱+/ - 冈上肌肌腱修复的长期临床效果 L. Nove Josserand (法国)

> Radiological evaluation of SSC repairs •• H. Sugaya (Japan)

   肩胛下肌肌腱损伤修复的影像学评估 H. Sugaya (日本)

> Why and when should we also address the LHB, AC joint, acromion? •• P. Boileau (France)

   为什么及何时我们需要处理肱二头肌长头腱、肩锁关节及肩峰?P. Boileau (法国) 

> Does pre op FI SSC influence final result of SSC repaires? •• A. Maqdes (Kuwait)

   肩胛下肌肌腱之前做过内固定会影响肩胛下肌再修复的最后疗效么? A. Maqdes (科威特)

> Strategy and results in traumatic lesion of SSC repair •• J. Barth (France)

  创伤性肩胛下肌肌腱撕裂的处理策略及临床疗效 J. Barth (法国)

15h30-16h00: Relive Surgery

15:30-16:00 手术录像回放

Tips and tricks to Perform a Tendon Transfer in Irreparable SSC


> Pectoralis Major transfer •• M. Scheibel (Germany/Switzerland)

  胸大肌肌腱转位 M. Scheibel (德国/瑞士)

> Full arthroscopic Latissimus Dorsi transfer •• J. Kany (France)

  完全关节镜下背阔肌转位 J. Kany (法国)

> Arthroscopically-assisted pectoralis minor transfer •• M. Cartaya (Chile)

  关节镜辅助下胸小肌转位  M. Cartaya (智利)

News Trends


> Arthroscopically assisted Pectoralis major transfer •• JD. Werthel (France)

  关节镜辅助下胸大肌转位 JD. Werthel (法国)

> Lower Trapezius anteriorly •• M. Cartaya (Chile)

  下斜方肌向前转位 M. Cartaya (智利)

16h00-16h30: Coffee Break

16:00-16:30  会间休息时间

16h30-17h30: Presentations

16:30-17:30 演讲

Indications and Results in Irreparable Subscapularis Tear


> Biomechanical study of PM versus LD •• JD. Werthel (France)

 胸大肌、背阔肌转位的生物力学研究 JD. Werthel (法国)

> Why do you prefer biceps tenodesis •• P. Boileau (France)

   为什么你更喜欢肱二头肌长头腱固定术 P. Boileau (法国)

> Why do you prefer Pectoralis major •• C. Gerber (Switzerland)

  为什么你更喜欢胸大肌转位 C. Gerber (瑞士)

> Why do you prefer Pectoralis minor •• G. Porcellini (Italy)

  为什么你更喜欢胸小肌转位? G. Porcellini (意大利)

> Why do you prefer Latissimus dorsi •• B. Elhassan (USA)

  为什么你更喜欢背阔肌转位? B. Elhassan (美国)

17h30-18h00: New Technology in Rotator Cuff

17:30-18:00 肩袖新科技

> Adipose Mesenchimal Stem Cell in Rotator Cuff Repair •• P. Randelli (Italy)

   肩袖修复中脂肪干细胞的运用 P. Randelli (意大利)

> Other options to manage massive RCTs & Robotic approach to the Latissimus Dorsi •• JC Garcia (Brazil)

   治疗巨大肩袖撕裂其他的选择 机器人辅助背阔肌转位 JC Garcia (巴西)

> Title tbc •• J. Keener (USA)

> Title tbc •• M. Zumstein (Switzerland)

18h00-19h00: Live Surgery

18:00-19:00 现场手术转播

Arthroscopic Double Layer Lasso Loop RC repair


19h00: Welcome Reception

19:00 欢迎招待

          “借问肩痛去哪里,路人遥指高绪仁”。如果您有任何关于肩关节的问题,欢迎您登录高绪仁好大夫在线网站进行咨询!网址链接https://gaoxurendr.haodf.com/ 谢谢!


    高绪仁 副主任医师、副教授、医学博士/博士后、骨科关节病方向硕士研究生导师




 关键词:肩袖损伤 法国巴黎肩关节研讨会 肩胛下肌肌腱损伤  高绪仁 江苏省 徐州医科大学附属医院 徐医附院 徐州二院 骨科 肩关节 关节外科 肩关节疼痛 肩膀疼 肩痛不等于肩周炎 肩周炎 冻结肩 肩关节粘连 肩袖损伤 肱二头肌长头腱 炎症 损伤 撕裂 肩关节镜微创手术 反式人工肩关节及置换手术 听高绪仁讲肩关节那些事儿   



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