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2022-4-23 15:39
中科院水土保持研究所/西北农林科技大学生态模拟研究团队,所发表的论文全文和培养学生的学位论文,可以在下面的链接中找到: papers.agrivy.com 欢迎访问、交流、合作 于强QQ: 1375576758, Email: yuq@nwafu.edu.cn
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2011-9-23 20:25
RIO叫做Research and Innovation Office,相当于国内的科研处。他们下月底去中国。我也要陪同一部分,包括合肥,南京,北京。我的一个建议是同北京林业大学建立联合研究中心。 目前UTS与上海交大建了一个中心,UTS五年投入一百万澳元。而我只要十万澳元就够了,三年后做一个评审。
个人分类: 创新篇|2855 次阅读|没有评论
2011-8-31 16:46
讨论版,等待最后决定是否录用。 Contributions of agricultural plants and soils to N 2 O emission in a farmland J.Li, X.Lee, Q.Yu, X.Tong, Z.Qin, and B.Macdonald Biogeosciences Discuss.,8,5505-5535,2011 http://www.biogeosciences-di ...
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潘国艳在Int J Plant Production
热度 2 2011-8-30 20:33
Water use patterns of forage cultivars in the North China Plain. Water_use_patterns_of_forage_cultivars_in_the_North.pdf
个人分类: 创新篇|3700 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
热度 1 2011-8-30 20:25
Distribution pattern and groundwater environment interpretation of groundwater-dependent vegetation in the extremely arid region, Northwestern China
个人分类: 创新篇|2892 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2011-8-30 20:07
Modelling Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emission from Soil in an Incubation Experiment N2O_emission_modelling_Hongtao_Xing.pdf
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陈超发表在Theoretical and Applied Climatology的论文
2011-8-30 19:54
Characterizing spatial and temporal variability of crop yield caused by climate and irrigation in the North China Plain Characterizing_spatial_and_temporal_variability_of_crop_yield_caused_by_climate_.pdf
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罗群英的论文被International Journal of Biometeorology录用
2011-8-30 18:51
Ref.: Ms. No. IJBM-D-11-00039R1 Developing Higher Resolution Climate Change Scenarios for Agricultural Risk Assessment: Progress, Challenges and Prospects International Journal of Biometeorology Dear Dr Luo, I am pleased to tell you that your work has now been accepted for pub ...
个人分类: 创新篇|4539 次阅读|没有评论
2011-8-30 18:48
地理所朱博士的论文,很快通过一审。 Dear Dr zhu: Manuscript ID BT11181 entitled "Leaf photosynthesis, nitrogen allocation and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency in three groundwater-dependent vegetations in arid regions" which you submitted to Australian Journal of Botany, has bee ...
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热度 2 2011-8-30 18:34
想写一篇综述文章,已经想了很久了,现在一定要写下来了。就是关于作物模型如何应用于气候变化对作物产量影响评价:回顾与展望。 主要内容包括: 作物产量生理与模型; 气候变化与作物响应; 产量形成过程的时间尺度与模型的不确定性; 模型参数化、检验与验证的数理统计方法; 几个重要模型 ...
个人分类: 创新篇|3657 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2

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