
Idioms for Everyday Use——第十二课
郭战胜 2009-8-16 22:05
Unit 12 Idioms from Plants 1. If you think Im responsible, youre barking up the wrong tree . You should be talking to my partner. She made the decision. 2. Please dont beat around the bush . Just answer my question yes or no. 3. My job is no bed of roses . I ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十一课
郭战胜 2009-8-12 04:24
Unit 11 Idioms from Medicine 1. Anna gives her son the job instead of advertising the position. You know, blood is thicker than water . 2. When Bob lost his job after working with the same company for ten years, it was a bitter pill to swallow . 3. Cough up the rent or leave the ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十课
郭战胜 2009-8-12 04:23
Unit 10 Idioms from Household Items and Tools 1. Tommy is only three, but hes as sharp as a tack . He can say the ABCs and can read some words. 2. Lets forget our disagreement and bury the hatchet . 3. I got a 100 on the final test, but that was just a flash in the ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第九课
郭战胜 2009-7-25 06:02
Unit 9 Idioms with the Word And 1. Elvis rode the same bus route for years. Every week he went back and forth from San Antonio to Austin. 2. By and large , Americans eat a light breakfast. They usually dont eat a lot of food in the morning. 3. George and I had a date for S ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第八课
郭战胜 2009-7-23 05:25
Unit 8 Idioms from Recreation 1. I really get a kick out of Lisas jokes. She always makes me laugh. (to get a kick out of something) 2. Im tired of listening to you complain. Stop bothering me. Why dont you just go fly a kite ? 3. I beat Albert five times ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第七课
郭战胜 2009-7-23 05:23
Unit 7 Idioms from Geography 1. She needed money badly. So she had a garage sale in which she sold a lot of her things dirt cheap . 2. Oleg is always willing to give advice, and his advice is usually valuable. Hes down-to-earth . 3. The company is going downhill rapidly. ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第六课
郭战胜 2009-7-20 22:30
Unit 6 Idioms from Animals 1. Im as blind as a bat without my glasses. 2. When the teacher walked into the room, each student was at his or her desk, reading a book, as quiet as a mouse . 3. Howard reads twelve books a week. Hes a real bookworm . 4. My ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第五课
郭战胜 2009-7-20 22:29
Unit 5 Idioms from people 1. When I go out to eat with my friends, we usually go Dutch . This way everyone knows what he or she is spending. 2. Louise can fix TVs, paint house, and build shelves. Shes a jack of all trades . 3. Kate and Ken just bought the same car as Mavis ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第四课
郭战胜 2009-7-18 04:06
第四课 与身体器官有关的成语 1. My brother has such a big mouth . He told everything I said to our mother. 2. I know all my friends telephone numbers by heart . I never have to look in the telephone book. 3. Everything in that fancy department store costs an arm and ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第三课
郭战胜 2009-7-18 04:03
第三课 与数字有关的成语 1. I dont know what to think about the new boss. At first sight , she seems okay, but I may change my mind later. 2. I sometimes take forty winks on Saturday afternoon, so that I can continue working around the house afterward. 3. Maxwell wa ...
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