
Harvard SEAS Professional Development Seminar Series-1
郭战胜 2009-10-13 23:10
题记:哈佛大学工程和应用科学学院的职业发展系列讲座主要针对博士研究生和博士后关注的问题进行研讨,自己很喜欢这样的讲座,在这里与大家分享,也希望大学和导师不仅关注学生的研究,对他们今后的发展也尽可能早的提供一些指导。 2009年9月24日 noon-1:00pm第一讲 What is professional development and why ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十九、二十课
郭战胜 2009-8-27 05:14
Unit 19-20 Idioms with Words that Go Together 1. My mother told me to pack warm clothes for the trip, but above all , not to forget my toothbrush. 2. I thought that I could complete my homework and go to the movie. But I didnt have time to do both after all , and I missed the mo ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十八课
郭战胜 2009-8-27 05:13
Unit 18 Idioms with Repetition 1. If Debbie plans to come with us, wed better get to her house an hour early. She always dillydallies when shes getting ready. ( to dillydally) 2. Harold never goes anywhere new, always wears a tie, eats the same food every day, and is in b ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十七课
郭战胜 2009-8-20 02:32
Unit 17 Idioms with the Word AS 1. Maxine is always working, either at home or at the office. Shes as busy as a bee . 2. Bart trains two hours every day. At sixty-eight, hes as fit as a fiddle . 3. Baby-sitting for my little nephew Elrod was no trouble at all. In fac ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十六课
郭战胜 2009-8-20 02:31
Unit 16 Idioms from around the House 1. The comedians jokes brought down the house . The audience wouldnt stop laughing. 2. Youve already spent a lot of money fixing your old car. Spending more is just money down the drain . 3. If you play loud music late at n ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十五课
郭战胜 2009-8-20 02:30
Unit 15 Idioms from the Weather 1. Cedric is very shy. If he goes to a party where he doesnt know anyone, he finds it very hard to break the ice . 2. Because I studied English every day, the exam was a breeze . 3. Uncle Jeremiah lives two hundred miles away, but hell ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十四课
郭战胜 2009-8-16 22:07
Unit 14 Idioms from Time 1. Mafalda used to work in a supermarket. Then she hit the big time and she got a job as the star actress in a movie. 2. When I finish writing this composition. Im going to call it a day and go to bed. 3. We have no extra money. So for the time b ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十三课
郭战胜 2009-8-16 22:06
Unit 13 Idioms from Clothes 1. I wouldnt like to be in Leroys shoes when Dad comes home and sees that broken window. 2. Blodwyn went to the party dressed to kill in his new black suit, silk shirt, and red tie. 3. Passing the drivers test on the first ...
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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十二课
郭战胜 2009-8-16 22:05
Unit 12 Idioms from Plants 1. If you think Im responsible, youre barking up the wrong tree . You should be talking to my partner. She made the decision. 2. Please dont beat around the bush . Just answer my question yes or no. 3. My job is no bed of roses . I ...
个人分类: 科研笔记|3091 次阅读|没有评论
Idioms for Everyday Use——第十一课
郭战胜 2009-8-12 04:24
Unit 11 Idioms from Medicine 1. Anna gives her son the job instead of advertising the position. You know, blood is thicker than water . 2. When Bob lost his job after working with the same company for ten years, it was a bitter pill to swallow . 3. Cough up the rent or leave the ...
个人分类: 科研笔记|3627 次阅读|没有评论

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