
谈谈有关生物物理方面的书 (1)
热度 3 周旭 2009-5-11 07:20
今年回国的时候拜访了生物物理所的一位PI, 无意中问到目前国内生物物理的生源情况. 这位 PI告诉我目前国内生源的情况很不乐观. 原因是本科学生物专业的学生缺乏系统的定量分析和数学建模的训练; 而本科是物理和数学背景的学生对最基本的分子生物学和细胞生物学的常识又缺乏了解. 其实,这样的情况在国外也非常普遍. 我所在 ...
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|22049 次阅读|11 个评论 热度 3
A better index than Impact factor to decide the most influential journals?
周旭 2009-5-4 18:18
When science is no longer a personal choice and individual career, an objective measure to evaluate researchers comes into beings to decide funding allocation and job promotion. However, how to build an objective measure, or whether it really exists, is becoming one of most debated topics among aca ...
个人分类: 写在科学边上|5750 次阅读|3 个评论
显微镜,宏现镜与整体的物理观 (2) --- 微生物的趋好避恶
周旭 2009-4-27 06:28
人们对生物的功能往往习惯于线性思维, 心脏跳动有心脏跳动的基因, 生物钟有生物钟的基因, 癌症有癌症的基因。 但实际上情况远非那样简单。 这些生物的功能都没有单一的对应结构, 往往需要从整体上考虑, 从相互作用的系统层次上来解释这些功能。 E. Coli (大肠杆菌)的趋好避恶 E. Col ...
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|7724 次阅读|2 个评论
显微镜,宏现镜与整体的物理观 (1)
周旭 2009-4-20 06:32
正如 Thomas Samuel Kuhn 指出的那样, 科学的大发展往往依赖于新的工具的出现。 三百年以前,当伽利略将望远镜指向星空的时候, 他观察到了以前从未发现的天文现象, 从而带来天文学的突飞猛进。 而显微镜的出现, 包括电子显微镜,荧光显微镜, 中子散射仪等, 使得人们可以直接观察到生物体的结构和生命现象的过程, 所以为现代 ...
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|6269 次阅读|2 个评论
Journal club: Cell fate as a high-dimensional attractor of a complex gene regula
周旭 2009-4-7 00:49
Today I present a Physics Review Letter paper named Cell fate as a high-dimensional attractor of a complex gene regulatory network in the journal club of our group. To my surprise, the response is quite polarized. For some people, they take for granted that cel ...
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|4435 次阅读|3 个评论
Biophysics Journal Scan, Jan. 2009
周旭 2009-3-16 06:08
Literature review is a basic skills for an active researcher. However, it could be very time-consuming even if you only follow a few important journals in biophysics. So in our group, we have a collective Journal scan - Everybody makes contributions, everybody gets rewards. We assign the imp ...
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|4250 次阅读|1 个评论
谈谈生物物理(8)--- 细胞世界里的盘古开天辟地
周旭 2009-3-9 05:50
If you can not see movie here, you can go to the source: Source: http://www.molbio.wisc.edu/white/CECDBio.html 在我们上古的神话传说中,对宇宙的起源有一个颇有英雄主义的故事。三国吴人徐整《三五历记》曰:天地混沌如鸡子,盘古生其中。万八千岁,天地开辟,阳 ...
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|8374 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 1 周旭 2009-1-20 02:07
Physics In the time of semantic web, people are no longer satisfied with just finding something. You need a ‘librarian’ who can help you to organize what you try to find. Such as, Categorizing journal papers in some well-established topics, the authors who are usually the expert in this f ...
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|6221 次阅读|8 个评论 热度 1
Biophysics Journal Scan, December 2008
周旭 2009-1-12 06:26
Literature review is a basic skills for an active researcher. However, it could be very time-consuming even if you only follow a few important journals in biophysics. So in our group, we have a collective Journal scan - Everybody makes contributions, everybody gets rewards. We assign the imp ...
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|4425 次阅读|1 个评论
周旭 2008-12-22 06:43
上周到剑桥Cavendish Lab参加了生物物理新的地平线会议。会议邀请到了目前生物物理的诸多前沿研究者,从微观的单分子试验,单分子观测与成像, nanopore,到宏观的基因网络动力模型和心脏的整体数值模拟等,可以说是目前生物物理前沿研究的一个小型的巡礼。尤其值得注意的是,从来都是站在物理科研 ...
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|6221 次阅读|4 个评论

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