
Al 拉伸lammps脚本
周龙 2021-8-17 22:05
Al 拉伸lammps输入脚本: # ------------------------ INITIALIZATION ---------------------------- units metal dimension 3 boundary p p p atom_style atomic variable latparam equal 4.0320 # ----------------------- ATOM ...
个人分类: lammps|4302 次阅读|没有评论
周龙 2021-8-17 21:17
如何使用lammps内部建模命令来创建data文件 在lammps模拟中,必不可少的就是data文件,因为data文件就是你所模拟的模型,data文件的创建方法很多,可以分为两类,一是使用建模软件来创建data 文件,我们称之为外部建模;另一种是使用lammps自生的建模命令来创建data文件,我们称之为内部建模。这里暂时介绍第 ...
个人分类: lammps|7376 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]原始LAMMPS分布 "in.crack "示例
周龙 2021-8-17 20:06
# Original LAMMPS distribution in.crack example # 2d LJ crack simulation dimension 2 boundary s s p atom_style atomic neighbor 0.3 bin neigh_modify delay 5 # create geometry lattice hex 0.93 region box block 0 100 0 40 -0.25 0.25 cr ...
个人分类: lammps|2071 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]三维裂纹扩展(Crack 3D)
周龙 2021-8-17 20:05
# 3D Silicon crack simulation using Stillinger-Weber variable name string ex_crack_Si_long dimension 3 boundary s s p units metal atom_style atomic neighbor &nbs ...
个人分类: lammps|1997 次阅读|没有评论
周龙 2021-8-16 15:13
说明: 此裂纹扩展采用的方法是固定底部模拟边界,顶部区域施加小速度,裂纹开始扩展 。 Input script #distance-amstrongs,mass-gram/mole units metal boundary s s p&n ...
个人分类: lammps|3429 次阅读|没有评论
周龙 2021-8-15 21:50
Crib File Return to top-level of LAMMPS documentation. This file contains one-line descriptions of the key variables and parameters used in LAMMPS. The variables are listed by their data type: Parameters Arrays (real ) Arrays (integer) Variables (real) Variables (i ...
个人分类: lammps|1970 次阅读|没有评论
周龙 2021-8-15 21:49
LAMMPS Units Return to top-level LAMMPS documentation. This file describes the units associated with many of the key variables and equations used inside the LAMMPS code. Units used for input command parameters are described in the input_commands file. The input command units selects ...
个人分类: lammps|1829 次阅读|没有评论
周龙 2021-8-15 21:45
LAMMPS Force Fields Return to top-level of LAMMPS documentation This file outlines the force-field formulas used in LAMMPS. Read this file in conjunction with the data_format and units file. The sections of this page are as follows: Nonbond Coulomb Nonbond ...
个人分类: lammps|2539 次阅读|没有评论
周龙 2021-8-15 21:43
LAMMPS Data Format Return to top-level of LAMMPS documentation This file describes the format of the data file read into LAMMPS with the read data command. The data file contains basic information about the size of the problem to be run, the initial atomic coordinates, molecular topo ...
个人分类: lammps|2050 次阅读|没有评论

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