


已有 4711 次阅读 2018-3-13 06:09 |系统分类:科研笔记


  1. 首先, 英文图书馆与情报期刊并没有官方的1级,2级,3级之分

  2. 某些人做了研究发表过关于期刊分级的标准如Kohl & Davis, 1985;  Nisonger & Davis, 2005; Nixon, 2012

  3. 他们的研究方法大致如下:

    . 通过对美国ARL研究型图书馆学会馆长们的问卷调查(Nisonger & Dacis, 2005)

    . 设计了一些评判标准如同行评审是最关键标准, 其次专家意见(Nixson, 2012), 拒稿率, 流通量, 影响因子, 高引率等

    Essential criteria:
    1. peer-reviewed (or invited) titles in LIS field
    Variable criteria (a tally was given for each of these criteria)
    2. expert opinion (top rating by Deans’ list in Nisonger&Davis 2005 study)
    3. expert opinion (top rating by Directors’ list in Nisonger&Davis 2005 study)
    4. acceptance rate below 50%
    5. circulation above 5,000
    6. journals that Purdue University Libraries’ faculty members have published in more than two times in the last ten years
    7. journals with an ISI impact factor
    8. journals with an h-index above 7, as calculated using Google Scholar data

  4. 普渡大学Nixson在2012年发表了Core Journals in Library and Information Science


    Tier1: 18 Titles (Nixon, 2012):
    1. Adlib Proceedings
    2. College & Research Libraries
    3. Collection Management
    4. Government Information Quarterly
    5. Information Technology and Libraries
    6. The Journal of Academic Librarianship
    7. Journal of Documentation
    8. Journal of Information Science
    9. Journal of the American Society for Information Science (title changed to (title changed to Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST))
    10. Journal of the Medical Library Association
    11. Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services
    12. Library & Information Science Research
    13. Library Journal
    14. Library Quarterly
    15. Library Resources & Technical Services
    16. Library Trends
    17. Libri
    18. RQ (title changed to Reference & User Services Quarterly)

    Tier 2: 37 Titles (Nixon, 2012)
    1. Archival Science
    2. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science
    3. College & Undergraduate Libraries
    4. The Electronic Library: the international journal for the application of technology in information
    5. First Monday (Chicago)
    6. Health Information and Libraries Journal (Print)
    7. Information Development
    8. Information Processing & Management
    9. Information Research
    10. The Information Society: an international journal
    11. Informing Science
    12. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
    13. Interlending & Document Supply
    14. International Information and Library Review
    15. International Journal of Information Management
    16. International Journal on Digital Libraries
    17. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship
    18. Journal of Agricultural & Food Information
    19. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship
    20. Journal of Digital Information
    21. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science
    22. Journal of Engineering Education
    23. Journal of Information Technology
    24. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
    25. Journal of Scholarly Publishing
    26. Knowledge Quest
    27. Law Library Journal
    28. Libraries & the Cultural Record
    29. Library Hi Tech
    30. Online Information Review
    31. Portal
    32. Program: electronic library and information systems
    33. Public Library Journal
    34. Reference Services Review
    35. Restaurator
    36. The Serials Librarian
    37. Serials Review

    Tier 3: 7 Titles (Nixon, 2012)

    1. American Libraries
    2. College & Research Libraries News
    3. D - Lib Magazine: The Magazine of Digital Library Research
    4. Information Outlook
    5. Online : Exploring Technology & Resources for Information Professionals
    6. Public Libraries
    7. School Library Journal

  5. Reference (APA)
    Nixon, J. M. (2012). Core Journals in Library and Information Science: Developing a Methodology for Ranking LIS Journals. College & Research Libraries, 75(1), 66-90. doi:10.5860/crl12-387

    Nisonger, T. E., & Davis, C. H. (2005). The Perception of Library and Information Science Journals by LIS Education Deans and ARL Library Directors: A Replication of the Kohl-Davis Study. College & Research Libraries, 66(4), 341-377. doi:10.5860/crl.66.4.341

上一篇:信息素养课程: 如何评估资源---CRAAP测试
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1 许培扬

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