

【当期目录】IEEE/CAA JAS第7卷第3期

已有 1673 次阅读 2020-5-21 10:58 |系统分类:博客资讯

IEEE/CAA JAS第7卷第3期发表了Marios Polycarpou教授(University of Cyprus)、Anthony A. Maciejewski教授(Colorado State University)、Masayoshi Tomizuka教授(University of California at Berkeley)等7位IEEE Fellow及其团队关于智能楼宇的故障诊断、机器人、跟踪控制等研究进展,以及大数据、物联网、深度学习、自适应动态规划等最新成果。欢迎阅览!


Mohammadhossein Ghahramani, MengChu Zhou and Gang Wang, "Urban Sensing Based on Mobile Phone Data: Approaches, Applications, and Challenges,IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 627-637, May 2020. 


▶ Review on the methods and techniques that have been implemented to discover knowledge from mobile phone data.


Panayiotis M. Papadopoulos, Vasso Reppa, Marios M. Polycarpou and Christos G. Panayiotou, "Scalable Distributed Sensor Fault Diagnosis for Smart Buildings," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 638-655, May 2020. 


▶ Distributed fault diagnosis for smart buildings.

▶ Formulation of complex HVAC building systems as a network of strongly interconnected subsystems.

▶ Design of a distributed, model-based algorithm for sensor fault detection and isolation in large-scale HVAC systems.

▶ Sensor fault diagnosis algorithm enhanced with robustness, improved detectability and scalability.


Korkut Bekiroglu, Seshadhri Srinivasan, Ethan Png, Rong Su and Constantino Lagoa, "Recursive Approximation of Complex Behaviours With IoT-Data Imperfections,"  IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 656-667, May 2020. 


▶ Parsimonious recursive system update of complex non-linear and time-varying behaviors.

▶ Identifiability minimum data requirement for low order systems.

 Sparse system identification in IoT setting.


Zhaorong Zhang and Minyue Fu, "Convergence Rate Analysis of Gaussian Belief Propagation for Markov Networks," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 668-673, May 2020. 


▶ A new bound on the convergence rate of the algorithm under the generalised diagonal dominance condition.
▶ Theoretical development is done by combining the known walk summability approach for asymptotic convergence analysis with the control systems approach for stability analysis.
▶ The work allows more application of the Gaussian Belief Propagation algorithm in distributed estimation and distributed optimisation.


Megan Emmons, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Charles Anderson and Edwin K. P. Chong, "Classifying Environmental Features From Local Observations of Emergent Swarm Behavior," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 674-682, May 2020. 


▶ Demonstrate the locally observed distribution of a robot swarm can be correlated to the location of openings in office-like environments.
▶ Can use the correlation to predict the location of exits in an office-like environment without requiring any communication or path-planning algorithms.
▶ Approach is extremely robust: environments can still be classified at better than random accuracy following a 90% loss in the number of robots functioning.


Silvio Barra, Salvatore Mario Carta, Andrea Corriga, Alessandro Sebastian Podda and Diego Reforgiato Recupero, "Deep Learning and Time Series-to-Image Encoding for Financial Forecasting," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 683-692, May 2020.


▶ The classification phase is organized in an ensemble of a set of Convolutional Neural Networks, each initialized with a different kernel function; a walk-forward validation approach is applied.
▶ Comparison with the state of the art approaches is performed; the results show that the proposed approach is capable of obtaining a higher profit in the same investment period.


Dailin Zhang, Zining Wang and Masayoshi Tomizuka, "A Variable-Parameter-Model-Based Feedforward Compensation Method for Tracking Control," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 693-701, May 2020.


▶ A variable parameter model is proposed to describe a variable parameter system.
▶ A multi-step adaptive seeking approach is used to obtain parameters of a variable parameter model in real time.
▶ A variable-parameter-model-based feedforward compensation method is proposed to achieve smaller tracking errors than a traditional feedforward compensation method.
▶ Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the variable-parameter-model-based feedforward compensation can obtain better performance than a traditional feedforward compensation.


Dan Wang and Xu Chen, "H∞-Based Selective Inversion of Nonminimum-phase Systems for Feedback Controls,"  IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 702-710, May 2020.


▶ This optimal inversion bridges accurate model approximations and robust feedback performances.
▶ It attains model accuracy at desired frequency regions while constraining noise amplification.
▶ The design goals are achieved by a multi-objective H∞ formulation and an all-pass factorization.
▶ The proposed algorithm is validated on motion control systems and complex high-order systems.


Xin Huang and Jiuxiang Dong, "Learning-Based Switched Reliable Control of Cyber-Physical Systems With Intermittent Communication Faults," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 711-724, May 2020. 


▶ A watermark-based anomaly detector is presented.
▶ A data-driven switched controller with a prescribed-performance-based switching law is proposed.
▶ Compared with most of ADP-based model-free methods, the new one guarantees the reliability for the case of a class of intermittent communication faults.


Jiankun Sun, Jun Yang and Shihua Li, "Reduced-Order GPIO Based Dynamic Event-Triggered Tracking Control of a Networked One-DOF Link Manipulator Without Velocity Measurement," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 725-734, May 2020.


▶ The proposed tracking control method does not need the velocity measurement.
▶ The proposed robust control method can attenuate the undesirable influence of the lumped disturbance on communication properties and tracking control properties in the framework of the DETM.
▶ The proposed control method is suitable for digital applications, since both the proposed robust output feedback tracking controller and the novel DETM are in discrete-time form.


Guangyuan Pan, Liping Fu, Qili Chen, Ming Yu and Matthew Muresan, "Road Safety Performance Function Analysis With Visual Feature Importance of Deep Neural Nets," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 735-744, May 2020. 


▶ This is the first to study Explainable AI in both unsupervised learning and supervised learning, and feature importance equations are proposed for both stages.
▶ Two popular techniques, namely visualization and sensitive analysis, are combined to optimize the input and assist to decide model's structure.
▶ Explainable AI is applied in traffic engineering for the first time.


Dong Zhang, Hao Yuan and Zhengcai Cao, "Environmental Adaptive Control of a Snake-like Robot With Variable Stiffness Actuators," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 745-751, May 2020. 


▶ A snake-like robot with variable stiffness actuators is designed.
▶ An adaptive stiffness control strategy is proposed to improve the robot's physical stability in complex environments.
▶ Torques of actuators and stiffness of the magnetorheological fluid braker are considered and optimized by using an evolutionary optimization algorithm to obtain optimal stiffness and reduce energy consumption.


Younes Solgi, Alireza Fatehi and Ala Shariati, "Non-Monotonic Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional Approach to Stability Analysis and Stabilization of Discrete Time-Delay Systems," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 752-763, May 2020. 


▶ A novel less conservative non-monotonic Lyapunov-Krasovskii stability approach is proposed for stability analysis of discrete time-delay systems.
▶ A novel stabilization algorithm is derived based on the introduced non-monotonic stability condition.
▶ Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) and Iterative LMI based nonlinear minimization are used to obtain the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and the controller respectively.


Jinchuan Qian, Li Jiang and Zhihuan Song, "Locally Linear Back-propagation Based Contribution for Nonlinear Process Fault Diagnosis," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 764-775, May 2020. 


▶ Improving the reconstructed contribution based fault diagnosis for auto-encoder.
▶ Describing the propagation of the fault by the back-propagation algorithm
▶ Building the locally linear model for online fault diagnosis.
▶ Proposing a special contribution index for suppressing the smearing effect.


Jipeng Wang, Hesuan Hu, Chunrong Pan, Yuan Zhou and Liang Li, "Scheduling Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Multiple Wafer Types and Residency Time Constraints," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 776-789, May 2020. 


▶ A novel robot operation strategy.
▶ Derive several necessary and sufficient conditions with closed-form expressions for verifying the system's schedulability.
▶ Can handle diverse complex multi-type wafer flow patterns and complicated constraints.


Hao Zhang, Yongdan Li, Zhihan Lv, Arun Kumar Sangaiah and Tao Huang, "A Real-Time and Ubiquitous Network Attack Detection Based on Deep Belief Network and Support Vector Machine," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 790-799, May 2020. 


▶ The method mines frequent patterns in data based on nested sliding windows and a genetic algorithm.
▶ A classification algorithm based on the deep belief network and support vector machine is applied to accurately classify the attack type.
▶ Suitable for the current high-capacity and high-speed network environment.


Qinqin Zhu, "Latent Variable Regression for Supervised Modeling and Monitoring,"   IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 800-811, May 2020. 


▶ The geometric properties and model relations of rLVR are analyzed, and the geometric and theoretical relations among rLVR, partial least squares, and canonical correlation analysis are also presented.
▶ The rLVR-based monitoring framework is developed to monitor process-relevant and quality-relevant variations simultaneously.


Jianchao Luo, Zhiqiang Liu, Shuogang Wang and Keyi Xing, "Robust Deadlock Avoidance Policy for Automated Manufacturing System With Multiple Unreliable Resources," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 812-821, May 2020. 


▶ Study the robust deadlock control of AMSs.
▶ A new MBA is proposed which is proved to be more permissive than the existing version.
▶ The proposed robust DAP exhibits higher permissiveness than existing ones.


Jia-Jun Wan and Tufan Kumbasar, "Optimal PID Control of Spatial Inverted Pendulum With Big Bang–Big Crunch Optimization," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 822-832, May 2020.


▶ A novel spatial inverted pendulum is proposed for the first time.
▶ Five PID controllers are designed for the SIP to realize the tracking control.
▶ The optimization performance of the BBBC is compared with that of the PSO.


Sumit Kumar Jha and Shubhendu Bhasin, "Adaptive Linear Quadratic Regulator for Continuous-Time Systems With Uncertain Dynamics," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 833-841, May 2020.


▶ Design of a continuous-time adaptive LQR with a time-varying state-feedback gain for continuous-time LTI systems with uncertain dynamics.
▶ Computational/memory efficient algorithm used to solve the optimal control problem for uncertain dynamics.


Qing Yang, Gang Chen and Ting Wang, "ADMM-based Distributed Algorithm for Economic Dispatch in Power Systems With Both Packet Drops and Communication Delays," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 842-852, May 2020. 


▶ Presents an ADMM-based distributed algorithm to solve the EDP with both packet drops and communication delays.
▶ Can solve the EDP on general digraphs.
▶ The general convex cost functions,  the coupled equality constraint, and local constraints of generators are taken into account.


Reza Mohsenipour and Xinzhi Liu, "Robust D-Stability Test of LTI General Fractional Order Control Systems," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 853-864, May 2020.


▶ Investigating the robust D-stability of LTI general fractional order control systems.
▶ Introducing a necessary and sufficient condition.
▶ Checking the condition by a simple and efficient graphical method.


Jianxiang Zhang, Baotong Cui, Xisheng Dai and Zhengxian Jiang, "Iterative Learning Control for Distributed Parameter Systems Based on Non-Collocated Sensors and Actuators,"  IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 865-871, May 2020.


▶ Open-loop PD-type ILC scheme for a class of parabolic distributed parameter system with non-collocated sensors and actuators is proposed.
▶ Enhance the performance of parabolic distributed parameter system using non-collocated sensors and actuators.


Chao Liu, Zheng Yang, Xiaoyang Liu and Xianying Huang, "Stability of Delayed Switched Systems With State-Dependent Switching," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 872-881, May 2020. 


▶ Stability results for switched systems under state-dependent switching rule are derived.
▶ The restriction on time delay is weakened.
▶ State-dependent switching rule is designed for nonlinear switched systems.


Kajal Kothari, Utkal Mehta, Vineet Prasad and Jito Vanualailai, "Identification Scheme for Fractional Hammerstein Models With the Delayed Haar Wavelet," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 882-891, May 2020. 


▶ A new parameter identification strategy for a block-oriented Hammerstein process is proposed using the Haar wavelet operational matrix.
▶ A special input excitation is utilized to separate the identification problem of the linear subsystem from the complete nonlinear process.
▶ The proposed method is proven to be simple and robust in the presence of measurement noises.


Tong Yang, Ning Sun, He Chen and Yongchun Fang, "Swing Suppression and Accurate Positioning Control for Underactuated Offshore Crane Systems Suffering From Disturbances," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 892-900, May 2020.


▶ The proposed control method can guarantee the boom and rope to reach their desired positions within finite time.
▶ The convergence of the payload swing angle is strictly proven.
▶ Greatly facilitate the application of the proposed controller to practical offshore cranes.


Xiaoli Yin, Chunming Li and Yuan Zhang, "Two-Order Approximate and Large Stepsize Numerical Direction Based on the Quadratic Hypothesis and Fitting Method," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 901-909, May 2020. 


▶ Numerical mixed partial derivative based on quadratic hypothesis.
▶ Numerical results verification by coordinate rotation.
▶ Numerical optimization method and general optimization method.


Shengjuan Huang and Chunrong Li, "Adaptive Fault-Delay Accommodation for a Class of State-Delay Systems With Actuator Faults," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 910-918, May 2020.


▶ An output feedback AFDTC is designed for a class of linear systems with faults and state delays.
▶ A matrix norm minimization technique is applied to optimize the designed AFDTC.
▶ The AFDTC can be updated on-line to compensate the effect of both faults and delays on systems.

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