
New Phytologist:欧洲山杨木材形成过程中的代谢图谱
郝兆东 2020-8-30 15:46
A metabolite roadmap of the wood‐forming tissue in Populus tremula 第一作者 : ...
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热度 1 郝兆东 2020-8-29 08:58
POPOVICH , encoding a C2H2 zinc-finger transcription factor, plays a central role in the development of a key innovation, floral nectar spurs, in Aquilegia ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|2355 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Nature Plants:拟南芥种子中决定种子大小的可移动蛋白TFL1
郝兆东 2020-8-28 14:21
Mobile TERMINAL FLOWER1 determines seed size in Arabidopsis 第一作者 : ...
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郝兆东 2020-8-27 09:15
PeABF3 Enhances Drought Tolerance via Promoting ABA-induced Stomatal Closure by directly Regulating PeADF5 in Poplar ...
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郝兆东 2020-8-26 08:44
Integration of pluripotency pathways regulates stem cell maintenance in the Arabidopsis shoot meristem ...
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the plant journal:大豆公开发表的1298份RNA-seq数据再挖掘
郝兆东 2020-8-25 10:20
Systematic analysis of 1298 RNA‐Seq samples and construction of a comprehensive soybean ( Glycine max ) expression atlas ...
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Nature Communications:乙烯前体ACC存在独立于乙烯信号转导的新功能
郝兆东 2020-8-24 22:57
Ethylene-independent signaling by the ethylene precursor ACC in Arabidopsis ovular pollen tube attraction ...
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Molecular Plant:苯丙烷衍生物对于维管植物的孢粉合成是必需的
郝兆东 2020-8-22 18:33
Phenylpropanoid Derivatives Are Essential Components of Sporopollenin in Vascular Plants 第一作者 ...
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郝兆东 2020-8-21 20:31
The manifold actions of signaling peptides on subcellular dynamics of a receptor specify stomatal cell fate ...
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