
Plant Cell:拟南芥MEE45母系控制种子大小的分子机制
郝兆东 2021-3-19 10:57
The Arabidopsis MATERNAL EFFECT EMBRYO ARREST45 Protein Modulates Maternal Auxin Biosynthesis and Controls Seed Size by Inducing AINTEGUMENTA ...
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郝兆东 2021-3-18 08:44
Auxin signaling and vascular cambium formation enables storage metabolism in cassava tuberous roots ...
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郝兆东 2021-3-17 21:46
Molecular regulation of plant developmental transitions and plant architecture via PEPB family proteins: an update on mechanism of action ...
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Developmental Cell:拟南芥营养枝茎尖的单细胞转录组图谱
郝兆东 2021-3-16 09:39
A single-cell analysis of the Arabidopsis vegetative shoot apex ...
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Molecular Plant:生长素和BR的交互作用通过调节生长的各向异性来调控叶形
郝兆东 2021-3-15 09:16
A crosstalk between auxin and brassinosteroid regulates leaf shape by modulating growth anisotropy ...
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Current Biology:AGC激酶和MAB4/MEL蛋白通过限制PIN的侧向扩散维持PIN的极性
郝兆东 2021-3-14 13:22
AGC kinases and MAB4/MEL proteins maintain PIN polarity by limiting lateral diffusion in plant cells ...
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郝兆东 2021-3-13 08:49
Brassinosteroid signaling integrates multiple pathways to release apical dominance in tomato ...
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Molecular Ecology Resource:刺果番荔枝基因组
郝兆东 2021-3-12 09:52
Chromosome‐level reference genome of the soursop ( Annonamuricata ): A new resource for Magnoliid research and tropical pomology ...
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Plant Cell:拟南芥叶绿体谷胱甘肽氧化还原态的日动态波动
郝兆东 2021-3-11 09:14
Resolving diurnal dynamics of the chloroplastic glutathione redox state in Arabidopsis reveals its photosynthetically-derived oxidation ...
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the plant journal:番茄WOX1影响小叶起始和叶片扩展
郝兆东 2021-3-10 08:45
Leaflet initiation and blade expansion are separable in compound leaf development ...
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