
Current Opinion in Plant Biology:植物适应环境的隐藏时间动态
郝兆东 2022-9-24 23:51
On the hidden temporal dynamics of plant adaptation ...
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Nature Plants:水蕨基因组
郝兆东 2022-9-23 23:05
Dynamic genome evolution in a model fern ...
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Current Biology:AM真菌通过保守的MAMP受体诱导被子植物的侧根发育
郝兆东 2022-9-22 23:31
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi induce lateral root development in angiosperms via a conserved set of MAMP receptors ...
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郝兆东 2022-9-21 23:22
Locally adaptive temperature response of vegetative growth in Arabidopsis thaliana ...
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Molecular Biology and Evolution:水稻基因表达的有害突变和罕见等位基因负荷
郝兆东 2022-9-20 22:12
Deleterious mutations and the rare allele burden on rice gene expression ...
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Developmental Cell:拟南芥雌蕊生物钟自主性及节律精确性
郝兆东 2022-9-19 23:28
Circadian autonomy and rhythmic precision of the Arabidopsis female reproductive organ ...
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Nature Communications:银杏细胞色素P450s作用于银杏内酯生物合成的起始
郝兆东 2022-9-19 23:25
A gene cluster in Ginkgo biloba encodes unique multifunctional cytochrome P450s that initiate ginkgolide biosynthesis ...
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Science Advances:5‘UTR突变导致的蛋白翻译减弱影响猴面花花色
郝兆东 2022-9-17 22:23
Lost in translation: Molecular basis of reduced flower coloration in a self-pollinated monkeyflower ( Mimulus ) species ...
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Molecular Plant:植物细胞内的磷稳态调控机制
郝兆东 2022-9-14 20:20
A SPX domain vacuolar transporter links phosphate sensing and homeostasis in Arabidopsis ...
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Current Biology:亚麻属植物二型花柱超基因的趋同演化
郝兆东 2022-9-13 22:35
Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level ...
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