
郝兆东 2019-7-16 14:21
Root System Depth in Arabidopsis Is Shaped by EXOCYST70A3 via the Dynamic Modulation of Auxin Transport First author: Takehiko Ogura ; Affiliations: Salk Institute for Biological Studies(萨克生物研究所):La Jolla,USA C orresponding autho ...
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Nature Genetics:水稻根长的深,对干旱抗性强
郝兆东 2019-7-15 14:11
Control of root system architecture by DEEPER ROOTING 1 increases rice yield under drought conditions First author: Yusaku Uga ; Affiliations: National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences(农业生物资源研究所):Tsukuba, Japan C orresponding aut ...
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Plant Cell:拟南芥UVR8信号控制花序的向光性
郝兆东 2019-7-14 16:27
Differential UVR8 signal across the stem controls UV-B-induced inflorescence phototropism First author: Lucas Vanhaelewyn; Affiliations: Ghent University(根特大学):Ghent,Belgium Corresponding author: Filip J. Vandenbussche In the cours ...
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the plant journal:拟南芥CBL基因通过表观调控作用于根干细胞龛的维持
郝兆东 2019-7-13 21:00
Cystathionine beta-lyase is crucial for embryo patterning and the maintenance of root stem cell niche in Arabidopsis First author: Guolan Liu ; Affiliations: South China Agricultural University(华南农业大学):Guangzhou, China C orresponding author:   ...
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Plant Physiology:苜蓿木质素通路突变通过异位表达防御响应基因影响植株的生长
郝兆东 2019-7-12 14:58
Ectopic defense gene expression is associated with growth defects in Medicago truncatula lignin pathway mutants First author: Chan Man Ha; Affiliations: The University of North Texas(北德克萨斯大学):Denton, USA Corresponding author: Rich ...
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Nature Plants:植物细胞质雄性不育相关基因的实验验证
郝兆东 2019-7-11 14:18
Curing cytoplasmic male sterility via TALEN-mediated mitochondrial genome editing First author: Tomohiko Kazama ; Affiliations: Tohoku University(日本東北大學):Sendai, Japan C orresponding author: Shin-ichi Arimura Sequence-specif ...
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Horticulture Research:花椰菜基因组
郝兆东 2019-7-9 14:13
Draft genome sequence of cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) provides new insights into the C genome in Brassica species First author: Deling Sun ; Affiliations: Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences(天津农科院):Tianjin, China C or ...
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J EXP BOT:丙二烯氧化物合酶AOS如何作用于陆地植物演化
郝兆东 2019-7-8 14:14
Jasmonates: what ALLENE OXIDE SYNTHASE does for plants First author: Edward E Farmer; Affiliations: University of Lausanne(洛桑大学):Lausanne, Switzerland Corresponding author: Alain Goossens Most of the great diversity of oxylipins in plan ...
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Nature Communications:拟南芥花发育过程中增强子的动态调控作用
郝兆东 2019-7-7 17:20
Dynamic control of enhancer activity drives stage-specific gene expression during flower morphogenesis First author: Wenhao Yan ; Affiliations: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin(柏林洪堡大学):Berlin, Germany C orresponding author: Kerstin Kauf ...
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