
Nature Communications:水稻miR156通过GA通路调控种子休眠
郝兆东 2019-8-25 10:32
The grain yield modulator miR156 regulates seed dormancy through the gibberellin pathway in rice First author: Chunbo Miao; Affiliations: CAS Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology and Center of Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences (中科院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心): ...
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Developmental Cell:植物LEFKOTHEA蛋白调控核与叶绿体中的mRNA剪切
郝兆东 2019-8-24 21:33
LEFKOTHEA Regulates Nuclear and Chloroplast mRNA Splicing in Plants First author: Gerasimos Daras ; Affiliations: Agricultural University of Athens ( 雅典农业大学 ): Athens, Greece C orresponding author: Polydefkis Hatzopoulos Eukaryot ...
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Genome Biology:拟南芥生物钟与染色质修饰的反馈回路调控日间基因表达
郝兆东 2019-8-23 15:06
Diurnal regulation of SDG2 and JMJ14 by circadian clock oscillators orchestrates histone modification rhythms in Arabidopsis First author: Qingxin Song ; Affiliations: The University of Texas at Austin ( 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 ): & ...
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郝兆东 2019-8-22 14:54
Teosinte ligule allele narrows plant architecture and enhances high-density maize yields First author: Jinge Tian ; Affiliations: China Agricultural University ( 中国农业大学 ): Beijing,China C orresponding author: Feng Tian ...
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Trends in Plant Science:机遇与挑战 -- 从数据分析到改良育种
郝兆东 2019-8-21 15:00
Challenges of Translating Gene Regulatory Information into Agronomic Improvements First author: Nathan Springer ; Affiliations: University of Minnesota ( 明尼苏达大学 ): St Paul,USA C orresponding author: Nathan Springer Improve ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|1962 次阅读|没有评论
PLOS Biology:拟南芥通过整合局部信号协调整体的生物钟周期
郝兆东 2019-8-20 14:51
Coordinated circadian timing through the integration of local inputs in Arabidopsis thaliana First author: Mark Greenwood; Affiliations: University of Cambridge ( 剑桥大学 ): Cambridge, UK Corresponding author: James C. W. Locke Indi ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|1958 次阅读|没有评论
Plant Physiology:水稻地上部分依赖于光照的向重力性分子调控机制
郝兆东 2019-8-19 15:00
The rice actin-binding protein RMD regulates light-dependent shoot gravitropism First author: Yu Song ; Affiliations: Shanghai Jiao Tong University ( 上海交通大学 ): Shanghai, China Corresponding author: Dabing Zhang Light and gravity ar ...
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Nature Communications:植物昼夜节律调控草甘膦除草剂的效用性
郝兆东 2019-8-18 16:30
Plant circadian rhythms regulate the effectiveness of a glyphosate-based herbicide First author: Fiona E. Belbin; Affiliations: University of Bristol ( 布里斯托大学 ): Bristol,UK Corresponding author: Antony N. Dodd Herbicides in ...
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郝兆东 2019-8-17 17:56
Large-effect flowering time mutations reveal conditionally adaptive paths through fitness landscapes in Arabidopsis thaliana First author: Mark A. Taylor ; Affiliations: University of California,Davis ( 加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校 ): CA, USA C ...
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Plant Cell:植物低温响应后期的生长恢复机制
郝兆东 2019-8-16 14:07
BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE2 Negatively Regulates the Stability of Transcription Factor ICE1 in Response to Cold Stress in Arabidopsis First author: Keyi Ye ; Affiliations: China Agricultural University ( 中国农业大学 ): Beijing, China C orresponding a ...
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