
Nature Communications:拟南芥WUSCHEL作为生长素响应“变阻器”维持顶端干细胞
郝兆东 2019-11-13 06:41
WUSCHEL acts as an auxin response rheostat to maintain apical stem cells in Arabidopsis First author: Yanfei Ma; Affiliations: Heidelberg University ( 海德堡大学 ): Heidelberg, Germany Corresponding author: Jan U. Lohmann To maintai ...
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Advance Science:单细胞轮藻基因组为链形植物起源与演化提供新的视野
郝兆东 2019-11-11 16:24
Mesostigma viride Genome and Transcriptome Provide Insights into the Origin and Evolution of Streptophyta First author: Zhe Liang; Affiliations: National University of Singapore ( 新加坡国立大学 ): Singapore,Singapore Corresponding author: &n ...
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Plant Physiology:低温通过水杨酸途径增强植物免疫
郝兆东 2019-11-10 16:08
Low temperature enhances plant immunity via salicylic acid pathway genes that are repressed by ethylene First author: Zhan Li ; Affiliations: ZhejiangUniversity ( 浙江大学 ): Hangzhou , China C orresponding author: Jian Hua Tem ...
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Cell Research:不对称细胞分裂素分布决定拟南芥根的向水性
郝兆东 2019-11-9 16:25
Asymmetric distribution of cytokinins determines root hydrotropism in Arabidopsis thaliana First author: Jinke Chang ; Affiliations: Lanzhou University ( 兰州大学 ): Lanzhou, China C orresponding author: Jia Li The phen ...
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Current Biology:拟南芥受体激酶BAK1/SERK4作用于细胞死亡的分子机制
郝兆东 2019-11-8 16:38
The Receptor Kinases BAK1/SERK4 Regulate Ca 2+ Channel-Mediated Cellular Homeostasis for Cell Death Containment First author: Xiao Yu ; Affiliations: Texas AM University ( 德克萨斯AM大学 ): TX, USA C orresponding author: Libo ...
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Communications Biology:植物组蛋白乙酰化作用于创伤诱导的转录激活和细胞重编程
郝兆东 2019-11-7 17:02
Histone acetylation orchestrates wound-induced transcriptional activation and cellular reprogramming in Arabidopsis First author: Bart Rymen; Affiliations: RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science ( 日本理化研究所可持续资源科学中心 ): Kanagawa,Jap ...
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Molecular Plants:番茄果实中花青素生物合成的转录调控网络
郝兆东 2019-11-6 17:00
A Transcriptional Network Promotes Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Tomato Flesh First author: Chuanlong Sun ; Affiliations: CASInstitute of Genetics and Developmental Biology ( 中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所 ): Beijing,China Corresponding author: & ...
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Current Biology:演化上保守的类受体激酶信号模块控制顶端生长过程中的细胞壁完整性
郝兆东 2019-11-5 06:26
An Evolutionarily Conserved Receptor-like Kinases Signaling Module Controls Cell Wall Integrity During Tip Growth First author: Jens Westermann ; Affiliations: University of Cologne ( 科隆大学 ): Cologne,Germany C orresponding author: ...
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Current Biology:草类物种侧向基因转移的群体特异性选择(补2019-11-04)
郝兆东 2019-11-5 06:24
Population-Specific Selection on Standing Variation Generated by Lateral Gene Transfers in a Grass First author: Jill K. Olofsson; Affiliations: University of Sheffield ( 谢菲尔德大学 ): Sheffield, UK Corresponding author: Pascal-Antoine Christin ...
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