
Horticulture Research:簸箕柳基因组
热度 1 郝兆东 2020-4-2 18:01
The chromosome-scale assembly of the willow genome provides insight into Salicaceae genome evolution First author: Suyun Wei ; Affiliations: Nanjing Forestry University ( 南京林业大学 ): Nanjing, China Corresponding author: Tongmin Yin ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|3071 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
Nature Plants:温敏核雄性不育通过减缓发育恢复育性
郝兆东 2020-4-1 08:44
Slowing development restores the fertility of thermo-sensitive male-sterile plant lines First author: Jun Zhu ; Affiliations: Shanghai Normal University ( 上海师范大学 ): Shanghai, China Corresponding author: Zhong-Nan Yang ...
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Plant Cell:芦笋Y染色体连锁的两个基因作用于性别决定
郝兆东 2020-3-31 08:01
Sex Determination by Two Y-linked Genes in Garden Asparagus First author: Alex Harkess ; Affiliations: HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology ( HudsonAlpha生物技术研究院 ): Alabama, USA Corresponding author: James Leebens-Mack ...
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Current Biology:植物细胞壁与生长素之间的互作作用于顶钩发育
郝兆东 2020-3-30 08:14
Interplay between Cell Wall and Auxin Mediates the Control of Differential Cell Elongation during Apical Hook Development First author: Bibek Aryal ; Affiliations: Beijing Forestry University ( 北京林业大学 ): Beijing, China Corresponding author:& ...
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Current Biology:植物正在发育中的韧皮部中BR感知的局部和系统性效应
郝兆东 2020-3-29 10:43
Local and Systemic Effects of Brassinosteroid Perception in Developing Phloem First author: Moritz Graeff ; Affiliations: University of Lausanne ( 洛桑大学 ): Lausanne, Switzerland Corresponding author: Christian S. Hardtke The plant ...
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PLoS Genetics:植物避荫响应中影响下胚轴中组织模式建成的分子机制
郝兆东 2020-3-28 09:18
Light affects tissue patterning of the hypocotyl in the shade-avoidance response First author: Esther Botterweg-Paredes ; Affiliations: University of Copenhagen ( 哥本哈根大学 ): Thorvaldsensvej, Denmark Corresponding author: Stephan Wenke ...
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Plant Cell:玉米Hsf1突变通过增强细胞分裂素信号改变叶发育模式
郝兆东 2020-3-27 08:08
The Maize Hairy Sheath Frayed1 ( Hsf1 ) Mutation Alters Leaf Patterning Through Increased Cytokinin Signaling First author: Michael Muszynski ; Affiliations: University of Hawaii ( 夏威夷大学 ): Honolulu, USA Corresponding author:  ...
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郝兆东 2020-3-26 09:18
Specification and regulation of vascular tissue identity in the Arabidopsis embryo First author: Margot E. Smit ; Affiliations: Wageningen University ( 瓦赫宁根大学 ): Wageningen, the Netherlands Corresponding author: Dolf Weijers Devel ...
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Nature Plants:共生植物对于土壤磷获取的资源分配驱动生态位的群落结构
郝兆东 2020-3-25 09:06
Niche differentiation and plasticity in soil phosphorus acquisition among co-occurring plants First author: Gareth K. Phoenix ; Affiliations: University of Sheffield(谢菲尔德大学) : Sheffield, UK Corresponding author: Gareth K. Phoenix ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|1985 次阅读|没有评论
Plant Cell:猴面花RCP2基因调控类胡萝卜素的生物合成
郝兆东 2020-3-24 08:03
A Tetratricopeptide Repeat Protein Regulates Carotenoid Biosynthesis and Chromoplast Development in Monkeyflower ( Mimulus ) First author: Lauren E Stanley ; Affiliations: University of Connecticut(康涅狄格大学) : Storrs, USA Corresponding author: ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|3742 次阅读|没有评论

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