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The Plant Cell:拟南芥雌配子体中央细胞命运特化的分子调控机制
2022-10-6 21:23
The type-B response regulators ARR10, ARR12, and ARR18 specify the central cell in Arabidopsis ...
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Molecular Plant:CO和JA信号转导共同作用于花器官的衰老
2022-10-5 23:16
Regulation of floral senescence in Arabidopsis by coordinated action of CONSTANS and jasmonate signaling ...
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Genome Biology:拟南芥DNA甲基化与调控基因组转录的表观组
2022-10-4 21:46
DNA methylation underpins the epigenomic landscape regulating genome transcription in Arabidopsis ...
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Genome Biology:柳树的性别决定系统演化
2022-10-3 17:29
Repeated turnovers keep sex chromosomes young in willows ...
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The Plant Cell:晚间复合物作用于玉米的开花时间调控以及温带适应
2022-10-1 21:12
The evening complex promotes maize flowering and adaptation to temperate regions ...
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Plant Physiology:ABA响应转录因子Dof介导甜樱桃果实软化的分子机制解析
2022-9-30 23:39
Abscisic acid-responsive transcription factors PavDof2/6/15 mediate fruit softening in sweet cherry ...
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the plant journal:松树响应热胁迫的可变剪切“记忆”
2022-9-29 22:58
​Integrative analysis in Pinus revealed long-term heat stress splicing memory ...
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2022-9-28 17:06
Winter warming post floral initiation delays flowering via bud dormancy activation and affects yield in a winter annual crop ...
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The Plant Cell:SOS3通过GI调控拟南芥在盐胁迫下的开花时间
2022-9-27 23:10
S -acylated and nucleus-localized SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE3/CALCINEURIN B-LIKE4 stabilizes GIGANTEA to regulate Arabidopsis flowering time under salt stress ...
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The Plant Cell:磷酸酶PP2C D6和D7直接与SOS1互作并抑制其活性
2022-9-26 23:14
SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE 1 is inhibited by clade D Protein phosphatase 2C D6 and D7 in Arabidopsis thaliana ...
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