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New Phytologist:野草莓SL1基因作用于复杂叶片发育
2022-11-12 22:50
A GT-1 and PKc domain-containing transcription regulator SIMPLE LEAF1 controls compound leaf development in woodland strawberry ...
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Plant Physiology:GhHRP通过精细调控乙烯和生长素信号转导,影响棉花热胁迫响应
2022-11-11 22:33
HEAT RESPONSIVE PROTEIN regulates heat stress via fine-tuning ethylene/auxin signaling pathways in cotton ...
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Plant Physiology:苹果bHLH4通过抑制CBF1/3并促进CAX3L-2 的表达,负调控低温耐受性
2022-11-10 22:59
MdbHLH4 negatively regulates apple cold tolerance by inhibiting MdCBF1/3 expression and promoting MdCAX3L-2 expression ...
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Current Biology:拟南芥NLP7-HB52/54-VAR2途径调控低氮条件下的光能利用
2022-11-9 23:18
The Arabidopsis NLP7-HB52/54-VAR2 pathway modulates energy utilization in diverse light and nitrogen conditions ...
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Molecular Plant:水淹通过乙烯信号转导途径,促进生长素诱导的愈伤形成
2022-11-8 23:11
Submergence promotes auxin-induced callus formation through ethylene-mediated post-transcriptional control of auxin receptors ...
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Trends in Plant Science:高温通过水杨酸抑制植物免疫
2022-11-7 23:49
Too hot to defend: a tale of salicylic acid ...
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2022-11-5 23:59
HISTONE DEACETYLASE 9 transduces heat signal in plant cells ...
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2022-11-4 23:52
The control of carpel determinacy pathway leads to sex determination in cucurbits ...
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The EMBO Journal:细菌效应子RipAC通过拟南芥PUB4靶向免疫核心激酶BIK1
2022-11-3 23:46
The Arabidopsis E3 ubiquitin ligase PUB4 regulates BIK1 and is targeted by a bacterial type-III effector ...
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2022-11-2 23:26
The circadian clock controls temporal and spatial patterns of floral development in sunflower ...
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