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2020-1-22 05:52
Functional variants of DOG1 control seed chilling responses and variation in seasonal life-history strategies in Arabidopsis thaliana First author: Alejandra Martínez-Berdeja ; Affiliations: University of California, Davis ( 加州大学戴 ...
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Trends in Plant Science:增加主食中类胡萝卜素含量的策略
2020-1-21 05:41
Prospects for Carotenoid Biofortification Targeting Retention and Catabolism First author: Jacinta L. Watkins ; Affiliations: Australian National University ( 澳大利亚国立大学 ): Canberra, Australia C orresponding author: Barry J. Pogson ...
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the plant journal:拟南芥和番茄中调控胚珠发育的分子机制差异
2020-1-20 04:51
Regulation of ovule initiation by gibberellins and brassinosteroids in tomato and Arabidopsis: two plant species, two molecular mechanisms First author: Daniela Barro‐Trastoy ; Affiliations: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia(瓦伦西亚理工大学):Valencia, ...
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Nature Communications:薇甘菊基因组
2020-1-19 18:08
Mikania micrantha genome provides insights into the molecular mechanism of rapid growth First author: Bo Liu ; Affiliations: Guangdong Laboratory of Lingnan Modern Agriculture ( 岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室 ): Shenzhen, China Corresponding au ...
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Current Biology:BOP抑制叶片形成是根茎和匍匐茎植物保守的分子机制
2020-1-18 07:24
Suppression of Leaf Blade Development by BLADE-ON-PETIOLE Orthologs Is a Common Strategy for Underground Rhizome Growth First author: Taiyo Toriba ; Affiliations: Tohoku University ( 东北大学 ): Sendai,Japan C orresponding author: Junk ...
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Current Biology:水杨酸通过靶向蛋白磷酸酶介导植物的生长衰减
2020-1-17 04:23
Salicylic Acid Targets Protein Phosphatase 2A to Attenuate Growth in Plants First author: Shutang Tan ; Affiliations: Institute of Science and Technology ( 奥地利 科学技术研究所 ): Klosterneuburg, Austria C orresponding author: Jiří ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|2037 次阅读|没有评论
2020-1-16 01:09
Multifeature analyses of vascular cambial cells reveal longevity mechanisms in old Ginkgo biloba trees First author: Li Wang ; Affiliations: Yangzhou University ( 扬州大学 ) : Yangzhou, China C orresponding author: Jinxing Lin ...
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Nature Plants:油菜泛基因组
2020-1-15 07:26
Eight high-quality genomes reveal pan-genome architecture and ecotype differentiation of Brassica napus First author: Jia-Ming Song ; Affiliations: Huazhong Agricultural University ( 华中农业大学 ): Wuhan,China Corresponding author: ...
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Molecular Plant:植物热胁迫响应的分子调控机制
2020-1-14 04:24
YODA-HSP90 module regulates phosphorylation-dependent inactivation of SPEECHLESS to control stomatal development under acute heat stress in Arabidopsis First author: Despina Samakovli ; Affiliations: Palacky University Olomouc ( 帕拉斯基大学 ) : Olomou ...
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Plant Cell:拟南芥AtNDX蛋白调控ABA信号转导
2020-1-13 03:00
The Arabidopsis Nodulin Homeobox Factor AtNDX Interacts with AtRING1A/B and Negatively Regulates Abscisic Acid Signaling First author: Yujuan Zhu ; Affiliations: China Agricultural University ( 中国农业大学 ): Beijing, China Corresponding author: ...
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