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Genomic mechanisms of climate adaptation in polyploid bioenergy switchgrass

第一作者John T. Lovell


通讯作者Jeremy Schmutz


背景回顾Long-term climate change and periodic environmental extremes threaten food and fuel security and global crop productivity.

提出问题:Although molecular and adaptive breeding strategies can buffer the effects of climatic stress and improve crop resilience, these approaches require sufficient knowledge of the genes that underlie productivity and adaptation—knowledge that has been limited to a small number of well-studied model systems.

主要研究:Here we present the assembly and annotation of the large and complex genome of the polyploid bioenergy crop switchgrass (Panicum virgatum).

结果1-群体重测序:Analysis of biomass and survival among 732 resequenced genotypes, which were grown across 10 common gardens that span 1,800 km of latitude, jointly revealed extensive genomic evidence of climate adaptation. Climate–gene–biomass associations were abundant but varied considerably among deeply diverged gene pools.

结果2-基因流:Furthermore, we found that gene flow accelerated climate adaptation during the postglacial colonization of northern habitats through introgression of alleles from a pre-adapted northern gene pool.

结果3-多倍体:The polyploid nature of switchgrass also enhanced adaptive potential through the fractionation of gene function, as there was an increased level of heritable genetic diversity on the nondominant subgenome.

结论:In addition to investigating patterns of climate adaptation, the genome resources and gene–trait associations developed here provide breeders with the necessary tools to increase switchgrass yield for the sustainable production of bioenergy.

 摘 要 

长期的气候变化和周期性的极端环境威胁着粮食和燃料安全,以及全球的作物产量。尽管分子和适应性育种策略能够缓解气候压力带来的影响,提升作物的适应力;但是,这些方法需要我们对植物产量和适应相关基因的充分了解,然后目前相关的知识储备仅局限于少数的几个模式系统。本文中,作者报道了多倍体生物能源作物柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum)大而复杂的基因组组装和注释。作者对生长在10个不同的地点(纬度跨越1800km)的732个基因型进行了重测序,并结合生物量和生存分析,揭示了其适应气候的基因组层面证据。气候-基因-生物量之间的关联十分丰富,但是在分化程度较高的基因池之间差异较大。此外,作者还发现,基因流通过引入预适应的北方基因库中的等位基因,加速了在柳枝稷北方林地冰期后的气候适应。作者发现,柳枝稷中非优势亚基因组上的遗传多样性水平增加,说明其多倍体的特性通过基因功能的分化增强了其本身的适应潜力。除了研究气候适应模式外,本文报道的基因组资源和基因-性状关联为育种家们提供了必要的工具,以提高柳枝稷的产量,从而实现生物能源的可持续生产。


**Jeremy Schmutz**




p.s. Jeremy Schmutz,1995年从美国伊利诺伊州中北学院(North Central College)毕业,获生物学和计算机科学双学位。大学期间,Schmutz阿贡国家实验室从事DNA测序研究。大学毕业后,Schmutz进入硅谷一家小型初创公司,从事平行测序系统的开发工作。1996年,Schmutz加入斯坦福人类基因组中心新成立的测序小组,开发大规模DNA测序所需的计算基础设施。Schmutz和他的团队为“人类基因组计划”完成并组装了人类第5、16和19号染色体的序列。他还负责了人类基因组序列的质量评估项目,评估了最终人类基因组序列的准确性和完整性。于2008年,Schmutz加入HudsonAlpha生物技术研究所,担任教员研究员。Schmutz带领基因组测序中心的信息学和生产测序小组

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-03127-1

Journal: Nature

Published date: Jan 27, 2021


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