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Fruit presence induces polar auxin transport in citrus and olive stem and represses IAA release from the bud

第一作者Dor Haim


通讯作者Avi Sadka


隔年结实In many fruit trees, heavy fruit load in one year reduces flowering in the following year, creating a biennial fluctuation in yield termed alternate bearing (AB).

结实与开花诱导In subtropical trees, where flowering induction is mostly governed by the accumulation of chilling hours, fruit load is thought to generate a signal (AB signal) that blocks the perception of the cold induction.

去果实Fruit removal during a heavy-fruit-load year (On-Crop) is effective at inducing flowering only if performed one to a few months prior to onset of the flowering induction period.

前期研究基础:We previously showed that following fruit removal, content of the auxin indoleacetic acid (IAA) in citrus buds is reduced, suggesting that the hormone plays a role in the AB signal.

主要研究:Here, we demonstrate that fruit presence generates relatively strong polar auxin transport (PAT) in citrus and olive stems.

结果1-去果后PAT:Upon fruit removal, PAT is reduced and allows auxin release from the bud.

结果2-去果后IAA含量Furthermore, using immunolocalization, hormone and gene expression analyses, we show that in citrus, IAA level in the bud and, specifically, in the apical meristem is reduced upon fruit removal.

结论:Overall, our data provide support for the notion that fruit presence generates an auxin signal in the bud which may affect flowering induction.

 摘 要 

在许多果树中,某年的果实丰产会减少来年的开花,从形成了两年一次的产量波动,该现象叫做隔年结实(alternate bearing)。在亚热带林木中,开花的诱导通常是受植株在低温下度过时长的控制,果实负荷被认为会形成一种叫做隔年结实信号(AB signal)阻断植株感知低温诱导。在开花诱导期开始的前一到数月移除果实,可有效解除丰产年对于来年开花的抑制。作者先前的研究显示在果实移除后,柑橘幼芽中生长素IAA的含量显著降低,说明激素在隔年结实信号中发挥重要作用。本文中,作者发现果实的出现会在柑橘和橄榄的茎中形成相对较强的极性生长素运输。一旦移除掉果实,极性生长素运输减少,使得生长素能够从芽中被释放。此外,利用免疫定位、激素和基因表达分析,作者发现一旦移除柑橘的果实,芽中IAA的水平,尤其是顶端分生组织中的IAA含量显著降低。综上,本文的研究表明果实的存在会在芽中形成一个生长素信号,从而可能影响开花诱导。


**Avi Sadka**







1. 柑橘果实中柠檬酸积累和衰退的分子、生理机制;

2. 隔年结实

3. 子房、雄蕊、汁囊中特异表达的Cl111基因的功能;

4. 光选择网在柑桔栽培中的应用;

5. 果园里的地膜覆盖的应用

doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/eraa590

Journal: Journal of Experimental Botany

Published date: Dec 21, 2020

p.s. 相关研究:

New Phytologist:柑桔树大小年结果参与开花的表观调控


上一篇:Plant Physiology:陆地植物角质层生物合成机制的起源与演化
下一篇:Science Advance:生长素调控震荡回路驱动拟南芥根钟
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