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The ISME Journal:干旱和植物凋落物化学成分影响微生物的基因表达和代谢产量

已有 1790 次阅读 2020-5-26 08:35 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Drought and plant litter chemistry alter microbial gene expression and metabolite production

第一作者Ashish A. Malik


通讯作者Ashish A. Malik


提出问题Drought represents a significant stress to microorganisms and is known to reduce microbial activity and organic matter decomposition in Mediterranean ecosystems. 

就坐提出问题:However, we lack a detailed understanding of the drought stress response of microbial decomposers.

研究方向:Here we present metatranscriptomic and metabolomic data on the physiological response of in situ microbial communities on plant litter to long-term drought in Californian grass and shrub ecosystems.

提出假设:We hypothesised that drought causes greater microbial allocation to stress tolerance relative to growth pathways.

结果1-草类系统:In grass litter, communities from the decade-long ambient and reduced precipitation treatments had distinct taxonomic and functional profiles. The most discernable physiological signatures of drought were production or uptake of compatible solutes to maintain cellular osmotic balance, and synthesis of capsular and extracellular polymeric substances as a mechanism to retain water. The results show a clear functional response to drought in grass litter communities with greater allocation to survival relative to growth that could affect decomposition under drought.

结果1-灌木系统:In contrast, communities on chemically more diverse and complex shrub litter had smaller physiological differences in response to long-term drought but higher investment in resource acquisition traits across precipitation treatments, suggesting that the functional response to drought is constrained by substrate quality.

结论:Our findings suggest, for the first time in a field setting, a trade off between microbial drought stress tolerance, resource acquisition and growth traits in plant litter microbial communities.

 摘  要 



**Ashish A. Malik**






doi: 10.1038/s41396-020-0683-6

Journal: The ISME Journal

Published date: May 22, 2020

p.s. 植物-微生物相关研究:


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下一篇:Nature Plants:拟南芥和独脚金中绕过GA通路的种子萌芽机制
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