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2010-11-11 11:19
World famous rice scientist and academician Yuan Longping once wrote an incription for the College of Agronomy and Biological Sciences, Southwest Agricultural University (his alma mater, the present Southwest University) "追梦求实"as the college motto. ...
个人分类: 科技杂谈|4940 次阅读|没有评论
2010-11-7 13:01
An effective and environment-friendly measure to cleanlake water inTanghu Park, Chengdu, China Tanghu Park is located in the city center of Shuangliu county, Chengdu. It's 18 km away from Chengdu city proper. The park was built in 1986, covering about 200mu (1mu=667 square metre ...
个人分类: Around World|4442 次阅读|没有评论
2010-10-24 12:56
本周周末,与几位朋友游览了离成都双流县城不远的一个新建的人工湖,虽然季节已近深秋,远观湖面,却见湖的四周春意盎然,不少老人在湖边悠然地垂钓,走到近处,发现带给人满眼绿意的是一种像狐狸尾巴似的水生植物。在靠近湖边的水面上,这种水生植物长得密密匝匝,其下半部分匍匐在水中,上半部分 ...
个人分类: Around World|10595 次阅读|1 个评论
致富之道 My views on getting rich
2010-10-20 18:29
我做梦都想成为亿万富翁 , 不知道你们是否也想 ? 因此 , 常常想找到快速致富的方法。曾见美国一著名投资商写了快速致富的七个办法 : (1)heritage 继承 ;(2)marriage 婚姻 ;(3)work 工作 ;(4)steal 偷窃 ;(5)cheat 欺诈 ;(6)lottery 博彩 ;(7)investment 投资。 &nb ...
个人分类: Life and Fun|3694 次阅读|没有评论
歌词翻译:Top of The World - 美国乡村音乐
2010-10-16 20:08
翻译:邱敦莲 http://www.kekenet.com/song/31472.shtml Such a feelings coming over me 这种情感萦绕着我, There is wonder in most everything I see 我所见的一切皆如此美妙。 Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes 天空无云,满眼是明媚的阳光。 ...
个人分类: 翻译实践|10439 次阅读|没有评论
Reasons Chinese prefer to submit their English paper abroad
2010-9-30 22:35
I personally think that people don't want to submit their high quality papers toChinese journals for the following several reasons: One, most Chinese journals are not Science Citation Index(SCI) -included; Two, mostSCI Chinese journals have low impact factors; Thr ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|3167 次阅读|没有评论
译著: 从沟渠到河口三角洲--流动水体中营养物质的持留
2010-9-15 18:40
由中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所研究人员邓伟、刘伟龙、邱敦莲、周俊翻译的荷兰研究人员Jeroen de Klein 的著作《从沟渠到河口三角洲——流动水体中营养物质的持留》(From Ditch to Delta--Nutrient Retention in Running Waters)一书于2010年9月由四川科学技术出版社出版发行。 内容提 ...
个人分类: 译海泛舟|5024 次阅读|没有评论
Information Collection and English Language Proficiency
2010-8-21 10:36
No one can denythat the collected information qualitywill greatly rely on one's English proficiency under the backgroud of globalization. If you just want to getdomestic information, maybe it's unnecesary for youtomaster any foreign languages. However, nowadays, even ...
个人分类: 信息分析|3748 次阅读|没有评论

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