
邱敦莲 2012-2-1 18:51
Start Your Day in 33 Different Ways 开始新的一天的33种方法 Source : http://www.dragosroua.com/33-ways-to-start-your-day/ 翻译 :邱敦莲 (英译中) Mornings are underrated. I consider them fundamental for the whole diurnal experie ...
个人分类: 译海泛舟|3643 次阅读|没有评论
My Translation Experience (I)
热度 1 邱敦莲 2011-9-10 14:59
My Translation Experience (I)
Although many people have been studying English for many years and had taken for granted that they c an translate academic papers related with their majors, in fact, it’s not an easy thing to do it well, and it’s a more difficult job to have the translate ...
个人分类: 译海泛舟|7358 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
译著: 从沟渠到河口三角洲--流动水体中营养物质的持留
邱敦莲 2010-9-15 18:40
由中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所研究人员邓伟、刘伟龙、邱敦莲、周俊翻译的荷兰研究人员Jeroen de Klein 的著作《从沟渠到河口三角洲——流动水体中营养物质的持留》(From Ditch to Delta--Nutrient Retention in Running Waters)一书于2010年9月由四川科学技术出版社出版发行。 内容提 ...
个人分类: 译海泛舟|5032 次阅读|没有评论

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