waterlilyqd的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/waterlilyqd 翻译--编辑--信息分析从平凡中见神奇! Journal of Mountain Science科学网博客



已有 5638 次阅读 2017-4-11 23:17 |个人分类:编辑工作365|系统分类:科研笔记| 审稿, 编辑杂谈, 编辑生活



1. 西班牙的作者来信说,他们文章中有两位作者没有申请过orcid号,他们也不想申请,因为他们不是专门从事科研工作的(Two authors don′t have ORCID and they don′t want to have it)。

由于Journal of Mountain Science自2015年起要求所有作者提供orcid号,国内作者可以方便地从中国科学家在线(http://iauthor.las.ac.cn)或者orcid官网(http://www.orcid.org)申请到,大部分作者都会按要求提供每位作者的orcid,部分国外的作者先是磨一阵不想提供, 经我们的解释说明后都会去申请了orcid。以下是我给这位作者的回信:


Dear Mr. XXXX,

Autohor's ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. The Web of Science database also provide retrieval item with one's orcid number.

The Journal of Mountain Science requires every author should provide his/hertheir ORCID numbers from the first issue of 2015.

The authors can apply for a orcid number at http://www. orcid.org very conveniently with your email addresses.

So please ask the rest two authors to apply for their orcid numbers.

Best regards




2. 给一位希望做本刊审稿人和科学编辑的人员写信。通过近几年国内国际的大力宣传推荐和编委编辑人员的努力,本刊在国际山地科学领域已经拥有了一定的知名度,也成为从事山地科学研究的科研人员极为乐意投稿的目标期刊,能够成为本刊的编委对很多学者而言是极大的荣誉。我们一般从审稿人中挑选优秀的学者作编委。



Dear Sir/Madam,

Good day. I am XXX.  PhD Research Fellow of Agriculture and Food Sciences at The University of Queensland, Australia.  I am very keen to get involved with editorial process such as reviewer, member of editorial board role of your prestigious journal. Currently I am Reviewer of Ecological Indicator (an Elsevier Journal, IF-3.19), Land Use Policy (an Elsevier Journal, IF: 2.76), Journal of Forestry Research (Springer Journal, IF-0.65), Ecosystem Services (an Elsevier Journal, IF-4.30), Small-scale Forestry (Springer Journal, IF-0.81). I hope I can contribute in your journal if I get an opportunity.

Further note, I did my BSc and MSc in Forestry. Also did another MSc in Ecohydrology. During my PhD currently I am investigating water use strategies of tropical rainforest trees species of Australia. My Research background is Ecohydrology, Forest Management, Ecosystem Service, Habitat suitability modeling, Biodiversity conservation, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Natural resources management.

I am attaching you my CV. Please check the attachment.

Many thanks for your cooperation.



这位在澳大利亚昆士兰大学做Research Fellow的学者寄来了他个人简历(CV),我认真地看了他的CV,并在 Web of Science中查看了他发表文章的情况,通过Bing搜索了他的相关信息,了解到来他自孟加拉国,与我们的一位科学编辑来自同一国家,而且学的是相同的专业,也许是这位科学编辑将我们期刊介绍给他的

在稿件系统中为他创建了帐户(可以作为作者和审稿人),给他发送了稿件系统的帐户信息,并给他回信,感谢他对我们期刊的关注, 并表示请他先做审稿人,我们会从优秀的审稿人中邀请科学编辑和编委!以下是我的回信:


Dear XXX,

Thanks for your interest to be a reviewer or editorial board member. I have created an account for you in the manuscript center of Journal of Mountain Science (https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jmsjournal). We'll invite you to review papers when we have manuscripts related to your research fields.

We usually select Editorial member or Scientific Editor from distinguished reviewers, thus I hope we could include you in the Scientific Editor team next year if you accept our review invitation and have made comments timely and in high quality.

Best regards



3. 文章通过同行外审后正式发表前我们一般会要求作者进行格式修改和补充一些不完整的部分,如orcid号等。今天修改了要求作者进行格式修改的具体要求,增补了一些对图表等更具体的要求。


Revision requirements before formal publication

Please combine all the necessary parts into one document except the figures and make all the required revision.  

1. Title (required)

2. Author(the family names should be capitalized) (required)

3. Author affiliation (required. Countries or regions area must. zip code is better to be added)

4. All authors’orcid and email addresses (required)

5.Abstract (required)

6. Keywords (required)

7. Main body (required).

It is generally arranged in this sequence: Introduction, Study Area and Methods or Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement,References. Please number each section AFTER Introduction.

1) Check the sequence of the figuresand tables mentioned in the text; 2) check whether the  figures and the words in the figures are clear enough and the words (Times New Roman is required) are correct, and whether the words and the lines are in proportion; 3) check whether the table heads are correct and can be shortened or condensed (to save space).

8.Figures should be in high quality. Words in the figures must be in Times New Roman. Suggested figure sizes are 7-8 cm or 14-16 cm at width with font size in the final print version at 8-9 point. Figures should be saved at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi (dots per inch) at final size. Save all figures in Tiff format and number them sequentially.  

9. Acknowledgement(Funding source should be provided).

9. Reference(required. Doi should be added if that item of reference has one)

10.Supplementary materials can be provided, including documents, videos, pictures,etc..  

11.Numbering each section except the Introduction. The subtitle also should benumbered. The format is like this:

    1, 1.1, 1.1.1...; 2, 2.1,2.2, 2.3, …

12Use bright blue color for the cited literature, Figures, Tables and Equations mentioned in the text, and the DOI numbers and links in the Reference. (required).

See the published sample paper at http://jms.imde.ac.cn/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=0488cf00-9465-4a41-bc23-4dda177d10c2&groupId=21915

13. Read through the article after you make all the revision to make sure every word, phrase and sentence is grammatically and semantically correct.


4. 修改JMS网站上的Sample paper, 将文章上传到服务器并在网上做了链接。

发现网上的Sample paper还是去年的格式。本刊今年的版式外观略有变化,如对文中引用的文献,以及图,表,公式,文后的DOI和链接等均采用亮蓝色显示,这样更醒目更突出。期刊的作者指南、稿件模板、刊文样本等等均是作者拟投稿目标期刊时认真研读和仔细模仿的的重要资料,如果期刊的要求发生了变化,均需要及时在期刊网站上修改相关的内容。

5.将一篇已经接收拟在近期发表的工程方面的文章发给编委李老师看,请他看看作者在公式和专业术语的应用方面是否得当。李老师看后认为作者是从事泥沙研究多年的专家,公式的运用和专业术语都没有问题, 主要是语言太啰嗦,而且非常中国化,他对前言部分进行了修改,作者须对全文进行认真修改。而后我通过QQ发给作者修改去了。

6. 一位国外的作者来信报怨我们将他的文章退稿了,"我也是JMS的审稿人,期刊对审稿人难道不能有一些优惠政策吗?" 我写信对他给与期刊的支持表示感谢,同时说明期刊的政策要求所有文章均需通过同行外审,一般情况下,我们根据审稿人的意见作出是否刊用的决定。我们在邀请审稿人上确实说了会在文章接收后会优先刊发审稿人的作者的文章,但不是在决定是否刊用上有优惠。


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