
Basic English (3): however vs. nevertheless
虞左俊 2010-7-15 16:17
I was asked at IAP/LASG: Are there differences between however and nevertheless ? My answer then was: I think so, though the difference is subtle... I even gave an example for when I would use nevertheless but not however. However, I was ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|4781 次阅读|2 个评论
How to Respond to Critical Reviews
虞左俊 2010-7-15 09:23
At the end of my two lectures on scientific writing, I am sometimes asked: How should I deal with reviews that are critical? Well, I am prepared for such a question, in two ppt slides. 1. Allow yourself a break, and come back ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|4224 次阅读|5 个评论
Green tides off China (1): Remember the news about Qingdao in summer 2008?
虞左俊 2010-7-15 08:20
Remember this dramatic photo at BBC News website? Well, if you look at the lower-right corner, the photo is credited to LIU Dongyan (yic.ac.cn), a female marine biologist I met in mid June this year in Yantai. Liu ...
个人分类: My Research Interests|3498 次阅读|1 个评论

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