
I am trapped in summer, forever...
虞左俊 2012-1-2 07:08
For the last few days, I was editing a 7,000 word paper that uses more than 50 "boreal summer" in all. Today, I am turning "summer" into "austral summer" many times over in a different paper. Well, just in case you are curious, I am physically in winter here in Hawaii. But, to most of you, I might ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2588 次阅读|没有评论
虞左俊 2012-1-1 11:03
Well, if you are curious about what this number means, I will explain it to you. It's the reference number I assigned the last manuscript I accepted yesterday (for editing). I will not accept any more papers for this year, even if they come in today (it's still Dec. 31, 2011). Let's call it a ve ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2294 次阅读|没有评论
English editing can be boring...
虞左俊 2012-1-1 07:31
So, what am I supposed to do when there are five manuscripts waiting for me to go through? Well, I started with the 7,000-word paper, and got very bored after a while. Why? I have to add a lot of "the" and delete a lot of "the." For a change, I started editing another paper's figure captions. This ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2298 次阅读|没有评论
Researchers, please take some time off...
热度 2 虞左俊 2011-12-31 05:00
to celebrate the New Year! If you do, then I will be able to take a break, too.
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2680 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
Some friendly advice for an editor-in-chief of a new journal
热度 1 虞左俊 2011-12-4 06:45
Congratulations on starting an OA journal! I know you want to build a good journal, but may be limited by funds. If you want to have a good journal, start it strong. You need to make sure the English is good. If you screen a manuscript before sending it off for review, which yo ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2961 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 1
Lecture at 中山大学季风与环境研究中心
虞左俊 2011-12-1 00:56
题目:1: scientific writing basics 2: how to write like a pro 主讲:Zuojun Yu, a Honolulu-based freelance English editor 时间:12月6日(周二)下午4:00-6:00 地点:季风与环境研究中心 ( 地环大楼 B401 ) ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3270 次阅读|1 个评论
Celebrate one hundred
热度 2 虞左俊 2011-11-21 14:15
No, I am not turning 100, but my father will in 10 years. So, what's there to celebrate? Well, I received a new manuscript today, which makes a total of 100 for this year.
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2408 次阅读|8 个评论 热度 2
“科网大”英文服务: lecture on scientific writing in Nanjing
热度 4 虞左俊 2011-11-20 05:26
Zuojun Yu, a Honolulu-based freelance English editor, will give two one-hour-long lectures on scientific writing in English. Lecture 1: scientific writing basics Lecture 2: how to write like a pro Preferred audience: young scientists and Ph.D. candidates in ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2875 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 4

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