
Native Speakers (updated)
虞左俊 2009-10-9 08:50
This article is written for you, if you have been told recently by a journal editor that your manuscript needs to be edited by a “native speaker.” You don’t need to read further, if you understand that here a “native speaker” has its specific meaning: it means a native spea ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|4343 次阅读|2 个评论
Scientific Writing for Beginners (8): Revise, Revise, Revise
虞左俊 2009-10-8 08:06
Follow these steps to refine your figures: Design each figure by highlighting the features you want to share with your readers; Keep only whats necessary (panels, shadings, c ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|5198 次阅读|1 个评论
Scientific Writing for Beginners (7): End Your Paper with a Positive Outlook
热度 1 虞左俊 2009-10-8 07:48
Conclusions generally include a list of the key results from the papers middle, a discussion and a future perspective on the work. Do not define abbreviations again; & ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|4241 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
How to “read” a research paper quickly (“速读法”)
虞左俊 2009-10-7 08:43
读 武夷山 博主的 美国科技期刊系统的花费 武夷山 博主 wrote: 至于如何让科学家花较少的时间就能消化吸收较多的文献,尤其是,让他们能尽快地判断是否可以舍弃某些文献,免得读了之后一无所获,连呼 上当 ,则需要依赖于更高水平的文摘 ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|5528 次阅读|3 个评论
Scientific Writing for Beginners (6): Never Let Go of Your Readers
热度 2 虞左俊 2009-10-4 06:59
When a reader has come this far, he must be very interested in your work. Now, its up to you to keep his interest alive. You should Choose an appropriate strategy to describe your research; Create sections and subsections to gu ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|5368 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
Scientific Writing for Beginners (5): Introduction
热度 1 虞左俊 2009-9-27 10:44
Introduction is where the author reviews what has been published by himself as well as by other people on the same (or a closely related) topic. To many people, introduction is the most difficult part of the paper to write. Therefore, one may want to outline it first (including ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|5073 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Scientific Writing for Beginners (4): Title and Abstract
热度 2 虞左俊 2009-9-21 05:43
How to choose a strong title? A strong title offers two things: 1) the topic of the research; 2) its unique identity that is different from all other papers in the field. Test: Does it stand out from a computer search, s ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|5492 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
Scientific Writing for Beginners (3): Using an Outline
热度 2 虞左俊 2009-9-20 06:30
If you know how to swim, you must have learned it in the water. The same is true for writing. You have to keep on writing in order to learn how to write well. If you are writing a paper of more than 3,000 words, you should consider putting together an outline first. A ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|6287 次阅读|10 个评论 热度 2
Scientific Writing for Beginners (2): Preparing Your Figs/Ca
虞左俊 2009-9-17 14:02
When you think you have obtained enough new results for a paper, you can do what I did using the following three steps. Step 1: Gathering a set of figures. Design these figures with great care so that they can help you to tell a story; say, using them to give an informal ...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|6491 次阅读|1 个评论

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