
热度 3 虞左俊 2023-4-28 07:27
Carbon dioxide removal is an ineffective time machine By David T. Ho https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00953-x.pdf?pdf=button%20sticky 脱碳必须先行,否则除碳几乎毫无用处。 二氧化碳去除 (carbon dioxide removal, CDR) 是将“净”变成“净 ...
个人分类: Scientific Translation|2377 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 3
虞左俊 2023-4-7 09:18
给看护者的4条建议 https://www.npr.org/2023/02/16/1157494002/how-caregivers-can-prevent-burnout Keisha TK Dutes, Sylvie Douglis “养大一个孩子需要一个村庄(的努力)。”这是一句非洲谚语,意思是社区需要为孩子的成长提供健康安全的环境。 但是当你 ...
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|1553 次阅读|没有评论
神经外科医生Atul Gawande的四本书
虞左俊 2023-3-24 06:53
一位能够让我听着听着 流泪的作者。从每一本书中,你都能学到许许多多关于医学的知识。我们每个人都可能和医生打交道。看看这些书,让你知道医生到底是怎么治疗病人的。 维基百科(基于谷狗翻译): Gawande于2002年出版了他的第一本书《并发症:外科医生关于不完美科学的笔记》,其中包含 ...
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|2111 次阅读|没有评论
虞左俊 2023-3-19 15:51
亨利·马什(Henry Marsh)的新作“And Finally”检测了(医学)知识的局限性和舒适性。 A Neuroscientist Faces Death, and Learns Henry Marsh’s “And Finally” tests the limits — and comforts — of knowledge. ByKieran Setiya Jan. 17, 2023 译者注:虽然书评标 ...
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|2044 次阅读|没有评论
AI:我们应该有多“害怕”?(after GPT-4\'s released)
虞左俊 2023-3-17 04:54
原文: AI: How 'freaked out' should we be? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64967627 By Anthony Zurcher North America correspondent @awzurcher 译者注:这是基于谷狗的翻译。我只是读了一遍,略加润色。 人工智能具有改变我们生活方式的强大力量 ...
个人分类: Scientific Translation|1680 次阅读|没有评论
虞左俊 2023-3-15 05:46
原文在这里: The truth about caffeine March 7, 202312:15 AM ET https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1161394509 美国东部时间2023年3月7日上午15点 MARIELLE SEGARRA,连线人:你正在收听NPR的LIFE KIT。 ...
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|2023 次阅读|没有评论
虞左俊 2023-2-25 02:51
Ezra Klein I want to end by talking a bit about the brain itself and what all this implies for it. And I guess one thing to ask is why there is this difference between hurt and harm, why it is so possible for the nervous system to send such wrong signals, why we think the system didn’t evol ...
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|1544 次阅读|没有评论
虞左俊 2023-2-25 02:44
Rachel Zoffness I do not think in any way that chronic pain is a stress disease. And I want to be very clear. We know that stress is an amplifier, but it’s one of 642 amplifiers. It’s not the only one. Chronic pain is not a stress disease. And that is not what I’m saying, so if I ...
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|1435 次阅读|没有评论
虞左俊 2023-2-25 02:41
Ezra Klein Let’s talk a bit about some of those other pathways. So we talked about sensitization to pain. What does desensitization look like? 埃兹拉·克莱因 让我们谈谈其他一些途径。所以我们谈到了对疼痛的敏感性。脱敏(desensitization)是什么样子的? Rachel Zoffness So ...
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|1369 次阅读|没有评论
虞左俊 2023-2-25 02:38
Rachel Zoffness You bring up a really good point, which is about more than prediction, which is that emotions always impact the pain we feel. And what neuroscience shows is that stress and anxiety amplifies pain and it turns up the brain’s pain dial. So the way I like to explai ...
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|1310 次阅读|没有评论

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