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已有 10068 次阅读 2017-1-31 22:42 |系统分类:科研笔记| 自然科学, 单位, 定理, 科学书写

       今天上课的时候,教授讲到能量的原子单位是hartree,这个单位是以Douglas Rayner Hartree的名字命名的。这个人就是发展Hartree-Fock方法的那个Hartree。

     有意思的是,教授提到,以人名命名的国际单位,(scientific units named after people)全称的首写字母都是小写,其缩写是大写。但是,以人名命名的定理,(scientific laws namedafter people)首字母都是大写。他还强调了一下,大家注意不要写错了


温度单位degreeCelsius (°C), temperature – Anders Celsius

温度单位kelvin(K), thermodynamic temperature – Lord Kelvin

电流单位ampere(A), electric current – André-Marie Ampère

电荷单位coulomb(C), electric charge – Charles-Augustin de Coulomb

能量单位joule(J), energy, work, heat – James Prescott Joule

力的单位newton(N), force – Isaac Newton

电阻单位ohm(Ω), electrical resistance – Georg Ohm

压强单位pascal(Pa), pressure – Blaise Pascal

电压单位volt(V), electric potential, electromotive force – Alessandro Volta

同理,以下一些科学研究中常用的单位也是如此 (注意,这些不是国际单位,后来经老师指出,所以有时候用法比较混乱,不过强烈建议依照国际单位规范,全名小写,缩写用大写。)

电偶极矩debye(D), electric dipole moment – Peter Debye

长度单位ångström(Å), distance – Anders Jonas Ångström

放射性单位curie(Ci), radioactivity – Marie and Pierre Curie

质量单位dalton(Da), atomic mass – John Dalton


能量hartree (H), atomic energy - Douglas Rayner Hartree

     那再举一些以科学家名字命名的定理。在自然科学界,有大量的定理,方程或名词以Fermi,Gauss, Hilbert, Helmholtz, Lagrange命名,从这些名字就能看出这些科学家在这个领域的突出贡献。

EnricoFermi(Cosmology宇宙学,Physics物理)Fermi paradox, Fermi's golden rule, Fermiacceleration, Fermi hole, Fermionic field, Fermi level

JohannCarl Friedrich Gauss数学,物理学 Gauss'slaw, Gauss's law for magnetism, Gauss's principle of least constraint, Gauss'sdigamma theorem, Gauss's hypergeometric theorem, Gaussian function 高斯大概是我除了祖冲之意外听说的第一个数学家,就是学小学奥数就会学到的一个人,他在小学三年级很快的计算出了1+2+3+…+100的加和,并提出等差数列概念,创立了相关理论。

Hermannvon Helmholtz(物理学,热力学)Helmholtz's theorems, Helmholtztheorem, Helmholtz free energy, Helmholtz decomposition, Helmholtz equation, Helmholtzresonance

Joseph-LouisLagrange (数学,天文学) Lagrangian point, Lagrangereversion theorem, Lagrange polynomial, Lagrange's four-square theorem,Lagrange's theorem, Lagrange's theorem (group theory),

Lagrange invariant, Lagrange multiplier,

DavidHilbert(数学)Hilbert's basis theorem, Hilbert'saxioms, Hilbert function, Hilbert's irreducibility theorem, Hilbert's syzygytheorem, Hilbert's Theorem 90, Hilbert's theorem

Pierre-SimonLaplace(Mathematics, Physics, ProbabilityTheory, Statistical mechanics)Laplace transform,Laplace's equation, Laplace operator, Laplace distribution, Laplace invariant,Laplace expansion, Laplace principle, Laplace limit


Arrhenius equation - Chemical kinetics -Svante Arrhenius

Avogadro's law - Thermodynamics - AmedeoAvogadro

Beer–Lambert law - Optics - August Beer,Johann Heinrich Lambert

Boltzmann equation - Thermodynamics -Ludwig Boltzmann

Coulomb's law - Physics - Charles Augustinde Coulomb

Curie's law - Physics - Pierre Curie

Doppler effect - Physics - ChristianDoppler

Einstein's general theory of relativity,Einstein's special theory of relativity - Physics - Albert Einstein

Moore's law - Computing - Gordon Moore

Le Chatelier's principle - Chemistry -Henri Louis le Chatelier

Schrödinger equation - Physics - ErwinSchrödinger



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