
Philippe Duchaufour 奖章
郭新磊 2019-9-2 16:11
同实验室的Dr. Claire Chenu获得了EGU的Philippe Duchaufour Medal 本文介绍一下相关的情况: 1) This medal was established by the Soil System Sciences Division in recognition of the scientific achievements ofPhilippe Duchaufour. It is awarded for distinguished contributions to soil sci ...
个人分类: 生态学人物|4305 次阅读|没有评论
郭新磊 2019-4-17 16:36
恭喜北京大学方精云教授获得“惠特克杰出生态学家奖”。 “惠特克杰出生态学家奖”2018评审条件: The Whittaker Award recognizes an ecologist with an earned doctorate(博士学位) and an outstanding record of contributions in ecology (卓越贡献)who is not a U.S. citizen (非美国公民)and w ...
个人分类: 生态学人物|4619 次阅读|没有评论

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