
Astrophysics: Fun and Useful External Links
任安炳 2014-6-8 23:16
Astrophysics: Fun and Useful External Links Physical and Astronomical Constants Orbiting Binary Stars Astronomy Hyper Text Book The Galaxy Gallery: Messier Objects Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive NA ...
个人分类: 实用网站|2752 次阅读|没有评论
Eclipsing Binary Stars
任安炳 2014-1-13 10:58
最近在网上看到几个掩食双星的网站,自己做收藏,也列出来与大家分享! http://www.midnightkite.com/index.aspx?URL=Binary http://astro.unl.edu/naap/ebs/animations/ebs.html http://www.physics.sfasu.edu/astro/ebstar/ebstar.html http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/ast122/lectures/lec10.html ...
个人分类: 实用网站|3101 次阅读|没有评论
国际虚拟天文台联盟[International Virtual Observatory Allianc
热度 1 任安炳 2013-9-7 20:35
In this section, scientists can find available VO-compatible applications for their immediate use to do science. The level of maturity of the applications depends on a high degree on the level of maturity of the corresponding IVOA protocols and standards.. As a consequence of the flexibility of ...
个人分类: 实用网站|4175 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
任安炳 2010-5-17 22:11
2009年度MedSci影响指数智能查询系统 http://www.medsci.cn/sci/
个人分类: 实用网站|5071 次阅读|没有评论
任安炳 2010-4-27 19:09
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