
【paper story】Anal Methods:纳米材料在污染物分析中的应用
刘倩 2017-6-15 23:21
Title: Recent progress in the application of nanomaterials in the analysis of emerging chemical contaminants Author: Xiu Huang, Qian Liu*, Shouzhuo Yao*, Guibin Jiang Abstract: Emerging chemical contaminants (ECCs) represent newly identified chemical contaminants that are not yet ...
个人分类: 写作投稿|4258 次阅读|没有评论
【paper story】Anal Chem: 氟化石墨烯用于污染物高通量筛查鉴定
热度 1 刘倩 2017-1-22 11:13
Title: Fluorographene as a Mass Spectrometry Probe for High-Throughput Identification and Screening of Emerging Chemical Contaminants in Complex Samples Author: Xiu Huang , Qian Liu * , Xiaoyu Huang , Zhou Nie , Ting Ruan , Yuguo Du , and Guibin Jiang ...
个人分类: 写作投稿|6340 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
【paper story】NSR: 非传统同位素在环境健康中的应用展望
刘倩 2016-12-14 20:53
Title: Natural stable isotopes: new tracers in environmental health studies Author: Qian Liu, Holger Hintelmann*, Guibin Jiang* Abstract: An important objective of modern environmental sciences is to elucidate the relationship between environmental pollution and human health. The developm ...
个人分类: 写作投稿|4063 次阅读|没有评论
【paper story】Nature Nanotech: 纳米银自然转化中的同位素分馏
热度 7 刘倩 2016-6-25 18:16
Title: Stable silver isotope fractionation in the natural transformation process of silver nanoparticles Author: Dawei Lu, Qian Liu*, Tuoya Zhang, Yong Cai, Yongguang Yin and Guibin Jiang* Abstract: Nanoparticles in the environment can form by natural processes or be released due to human a ...
个人分类: 写作投稿|8755 次阅读|12 个评论 热度 7
【paper story】Anal Chem: 单滴人全血中有毒物质的快速筛查
热度 1 刘倩 2016-4-5 12:27
Title: Screening of Toxic Chemicals in a Single Drop of Human Whole Blood Using Ordered Mesoporous Carbon as a Mass Spectrometry Probe Authors: Xiu Huang, Qian Liu*, Jianjie Fu, Zhou Nie, Ke Gao, and Guibin Jiang Abstract: Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI) is a versatile ...
个人分类: 写作投稿|5578 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
【paper story】ABC:碳纳米材料在LDI质谱中的应用综述
刘倩 2016-2-4 09:29
Title: Recent progress in application of carbon nanomaterials in laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry Authors: Jing Wang, Qian Liu*, Yong Liang, Guibin Jiang Abstract: Carbon nanomaterials have attracted great interest over past decades owing to their unique physical ...
个人分类: 写作投稿|5738 次阅读|没有评论
【paper story】Anal Chem: 复杂介质中有害物质的高通量快速筛查
热度 1 刘倩 2015-6-22 12:32
Title: High-Throughput and Rapid Screening of Low-mass Hazardous Compounds in Complex Samples Authors: Jing Wang, Qian Liu*, Yan Gao, Yawei Wang, Liangqia Guo, Guibin Jiang Abstract: Rapid screening and identification of hazardous chemicals in complex samples is of extreme impo ...
个人分类: 写作投稿|5899 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
citations 2K纪念
刘倩 2015-6-15 15:43
个人分类: 未分类|4859 次阅读|没有评论
【paper story】ChemComm:抗体修饰石墨烯纳米带合成与质谱应用
热度 1 刘倩 2015-3-17 11:01
Title: An antibody-graphene oxide nanoribbon conjugate as a surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization probe with high sensitivity and selectivity Author: Jing Wang, Mengting Cheng, Zhen Zhang, Liangqia Guo, Qian Liu*, and Guibin Jiang Abstract: Graphene oxide nanoribbons (GONR ...
个人分类: 写作投稿|5677 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
【paper story】Chem Eur J:氧化石墨烯纳米带的制备与质谱应用
刘倩 2015-2-20 21:28
Title: Graphene Oxide Nanoribbons: Improved Synthesis and Application in MALDI Mass Spectrometry Author: Qian Liu, Mengting Cheng, Jing Wang, Guibin Jiang* Abstract: Graphene nanoribbon is a novel variety of graphene with high length-to-width ratio and straight edges. Herein, w ...
个人分类: 写作投稿|6536 次阅读|没有评论

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