
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (19): WC[2]
李世春 2024-1-20 10:01
WC indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to WC as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, WC can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face C, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|777 次阅读|没有评论
0° C 雪 景
热度 1 李世春 2024-1-19 14:00
这是 0° C 的雪,如果天气太冷,雪花和雪花之间会打滑,如果有风,雪花也难于堆积 地上的雪有25厘米,没有人会来这里,鸟忙于找吃的,也不会来这里,我拍摄的原始状态 雪的粘滞性依赖于温度,如果温度太低,没有这样的图画 0° C 雪 景
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1852 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
雪 中 拍 鸟
李世春 2024-1-18 12:44
歌麻雀在下雪天吃植物的种子,雪天日子艰苦,距离我很近 一只蜂鸟,在海棠树上,这棵树每年遭遇雪压海棠花 这棵树过几天就要开花了,这是以前的照片,蜂鸟在这棵树上等待
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1181 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (18): WB[2]
李世春 2024-1-17 13:39
WB indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to WB as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, WB can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face B, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|874 次阅读|没有评论
路边 知更鸟
李世春 2024-1-15 11:11
画中有 8 只鸟:6 只在地上,1 只在小车上,1 只在植物上 我(太阳照的影子)知更鸟合影:画面有 4 只鸟 鸟离我很近,我用手机拍摄的(视频模式下) 站着(相当于站着植物墙面)摘果,要用翅膀保持平衡 这只知更鸟要吃里面的小红果,有点难度的动作 一粒一粒地吃 我的这些照片都打了烙印  ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|937 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (17): WA[2]
李世春 2024-1-14 11:50
WA indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to WA as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, WA can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face A, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|958 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (16): EAN[3^1]
李世春 2024-1-5 13:28
EAN indicates a C3 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to EAN as the axis, rotating 120° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, EAN can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face M, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|822 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 李世春 2023-12-31 10:52
这花叫蟾蜍百合,是真正的秋后开花。我拍摄这照片的时间是11月3日 花是别人的,我路过拍摄几张照片,拍摄了几段视频,这个是视频截图
个人分类: 兔年-2023|1373 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (15): DEM[3^1]
李世春 2023-12-30 14:26
DEM indicates a C3 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to DEM as the axis, rotating 120° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, DEM can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face H, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1163 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (14): CDH[3^1]
李世春 2023-12-24 09:44
CDH indicates a C3 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to CDH as the axis, rotating 120° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, CDH can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face G, while the other cubies are unchanged. At ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1006 次阅读|没有评论

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