
香蒲 人家: 男才 女貌
李世春 2024-5-27 11:12
这位是男的,天生我材(帽子)必有用,左右两顶鸟才帽子,扛在肩膀上,歌喉一展,响彻宇宙内外 这位是女的,贤惠端庄,回头一笑百媚生,俺路过他们家门口,两口子都出来了
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1100 次阅读|没有评论
只敲打不啄孔的 啄木鸟
李世春 2024-5-22 12:27
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1168 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (30): AN[2]
李世春 2024-5-20 12:34
AN indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to AN as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, AN can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face S, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|922 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (29): AF[2]
李世春 2024-5-12 12:44
AF indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to AF as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, AF can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face S, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|880 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (28): BF[2]
李世春 2024-4-28 03:34
BF indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to BF as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, BF can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face S, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|939 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (27): BG[2]
李世春 2024-4-15 10:05
BG indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to BG as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, BG can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face S, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1145 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (26): AE[2]
李世春 2024-4-8 12:11
AE indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to AE as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, AE can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face N, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1151 次阅读|没有评论
樱花烂漫 三月天
李世春 2024-3-29 12:07
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|2640 次阅读|没有评论
春假(spring break)
李世春 2024-3-17 12:14
爷爷跟着孙女走,孙女 P reschool 放假( spring break ),出来和爷爷观鸟,一棵树上有两只鸟:歌麻雀和蜂鸟 蜂鸟飞了一下,又回到树上
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1645 次阅读|没有评论
Megaminx = Ih Point Group: (25): ED[2]
李世春 2024-3-15 12:10
ED indicates a C2 operation, with the connecting line of the center of Megaminx to ED as the axis, rotating 180° counterclockwise. This is the definition in the textbook. In this video, ED can rotate the triangle on the face W to the face M, while the other cubies are unchanged. At the sa ...
个人分类: 2024-魔方和自然|1128 次阅读|没有评论

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