
陈立群 2024-1-3 22:55
下午在校园中转转。校园中有中西风格花园各一处,还是华夏花园更像花园。其中有幅楹联改自苏轼的《点绛唇》“与谁同坐,明月清风我。”天阴欲雨。 ...
个人分类: 风光过眼|1866 次阅读|没有评论
陈立群 2024-1-2 22:58
自从十多年前开始用手机,就不再戴表。面对运动手表,很是纠结。一方面,我相信“好事不如无”,既然手机能看时间,似乎没有必要再带表,技术上这是 Ockham's Razor 的应用,原则上“不贵难得之货”;另一方面,戴了运动手表计步更方便准确,还有健康监测的功能。 To wear or not to wear, that is the question. ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|1568 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 陈立群 2024-1-1 22:57
北京孔庙历史悠久。初建于元代,重建于明代,扩建于清代。风格庄严壮观。第一印象就是 郁郁乎文哉 汲汲於仁矣 前句语出《论语·八佾》,后句是我续貂。 从有孔子塑像的大成门入,直面大成殿。大成门在高大的砖石台基上,面阔五间,单檐歇山顶。   ...
个人分类: 风光过眼|982 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
Reading Books: My Favorite Activity (2003)
陈立群 2024-1-1 11:19
The favorite activity of mine is reading books. My reading covers various topics, such as literatures, history, philosophy, and economics. In fact, I like all materials that make me happy and thoughtful. Books give me a lot of fun. While reading, I travel beyond any limitations of time and spa ...
个人分类: 休闲阅读|1182 次阅读|没有评论
陈立群 2023-12-31 22:56
十年前那个想当学生而不得的副教授,当了 6 年教授后在年底时终于重新回炉做学生。全家仍住在 4 年前所购新客站北面的两室房子里,听说了房价上涨但也没有介意。女儿年内过了 12 周岁,初中在读,离中考尚远家长不太操心她学习。前一年年底拿到“核心教授”的薪酬,专业成绩终于有了经济回报。经过半年 Toronto ...
个人分类: 往事钩沉|2435 次阅读|没有评论
A Brief Introduction to My Specialty (2003)
陈立群 2023-12-31 10:36
I am glad to have the opportunity to introduce briefly my specialty. My specialty is mechanics, more concretely, general mechanics, or dynamics, vibration and control. Traditionally, mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with motion and effects of forces on gases, liquids, and solid bod ...
个人分类: 往事钩沉|947 次阅读|没有评论
Personal Information (2003)
陈立群 2023-12-31 10:29
It is my pleasure to introduce myself. My family name is Chen, and my given mane is Li-Qun. Born in Anshan City, Liaoning Province, I now live in Shanghai with my wife and my daughter. My wife is an editor of a medicine journal. My daughter, 12 years old, studies in a junior high school, grade 2 i ...
个人分类: 往事钩沉|1641 次阅读|没有评论
陈立群 2023-12-30 22:57
真如公园在大渡河路东,桃浦河西岸,北起普陀区公安分局,南到住宅小区。原来是 1988 年建成的普陀区真北林带,并具有腊梅科研基地功能。 2007 年该林带对公众开放。 2018 年新建了假山水池旱溪水榭亭廊等。腊梅冬梅为公园有特色的植物。 ...
个人分类: 风光过眼|947 次阅读|没有评论
Anti-Discrimination May Be WORSE Than Discrimination (2004)
陈立群 2023-12-30 22:25
个人分类: 发言报道|829 次阅读|没有评论
Personal Statement (2003)
陈立群 2023-12-30 12:02
I am glad to have the opportunity to introduce myself and present my interests, goals, and plans. I'll appreciate any your remarks and suggestions. Hopefully, the attached resume includes everything in my career, such as professional experience, education, publications, research f ...
个人分类: 休闲阅读|741 次阅读|没有评论

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