
诸平 2023-4-25 20:00
人类学家解开了玛雅人 819 天计数之谜 诸平 Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain 据物理学家组织网( Phys.org ) 2023 年 4 月 24 日报道,人类学家解开了玛雅人 819 天计数之谜( Anthropologist pair solve the mystery of Mayan 819-day count )。 美国杜兰大学 ( Tulane University ...
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热度 1 诸平 2023-4-25 09:48
巴西坚果效应撼动了物理学 诸平 In a bag of mixed nuts, after shaking, smaller nuts fill in the gaps created at the bottom, pushing the larger Brazil nuts to the top. Credit: Melchoir, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons 据波兰华沙大学( University of Warsaw ) ...
个人分类: 新观察|7354 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 2 诸平 2023-4-24 10:14
瑞典的量子计算机首次应用于化学 诸平 The quantum computer at Chalmers with the outer shielding of the dilution refrigerator removed. Credit: Chalmers/Anna-Lena Lundqvist 据瑞典查默斯科技大学( Chalmers University of Technology , Gothenburg, Sweden ) 2023 年 4 月 20 日提供的消息 ...
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热度 3 诸平 2023-4-13 10:19
物理学家发现引力可以产生光 诸平 A star is being consumed by a distant supermassive black hole. Astronomers call this a tidal disruption event (TDE). As the black hole rips apart the star, two jets of material moving with almost the speed of light are launched in opposite directions. One ...
个人分类: 新观察|5816 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 3
诸平 2023-4-1 20:14
来自内脏的攻击 诸平 Fig. 1 After surgery, bacteria from the intestine can enter the organism. Special cells of the immune system located in the liver fight them.(Graphic: Mercedes Gomez de Aguero) Fig. 2 The gut microbiota: our helpful and value guests when the bound ...
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热度 2 诸平 2023-3-31 16:08
最亮的伽马射线暴揭示了宇宙爆炸的新秘密 诸平 This illustration shows the ingredients of a long gamma-ray burst, the most common type. The core of a massive star (left) has collapsed, forming a black hole that sends a jet of particles moving through the collapsing star and out into space ...
个人分类: 新观察|6737 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
热度 1 诸平 2023-3-22 20:07
来自量子世界的惊喜 诸平 The ferromagnetism of the topological insulator manganese bismuth telluride only arises when the atomic structure becomes disordered. For this, some manganese atoms (green) must be moved out of their original position (second green atomic plane from the top). O ...
个人分类: 新观察|3730 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 诸平 2023-3-19 09:02
“反传态” : 量子突破为世界上第一个实验虫洞铺平了道路 诸平 (A) shows a circuit diagram for transporting Bob's qubit, α|0›+ß|1›, to Alice by means of two exchange-free CNOT gates and local operations. The purpose of the Hadamard gates is to keep the control qubits ...
个人分类: 新观察|5359 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
诸平 2023-3-7 19:47
流落在外宝贝,何时才能回家? 诸平 据瑞士苏黎世大学( University of Zurich 简称 UZH ) 2023 年 2 月 28 日报道,以“从中国掠夺的文化遗产( Looted Cultural Heritage Objects from China )”为题,介绍几种掠夺品以及相关展览。 2023 年 3 月 3 日至 2024 年 5 月 12 日在苏黎世大学民族志 ...
个人分类: 其它杂项|2454 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 诸平 2023-2-15 20:33
欧美 PFAS 污染研究二三事 诸平 PFAS Contamination in the U.S. (June 8, 2022) 由于无法在环境中完全分解,被称为“永久化学品”的全氟烷基和多氟烷基物质(更广为人知的名称是 PFAS )自 20 世纪 50 年代以来一直被用于制造不粘、防油和防水以及耐温度变化的 ...
个人分类: 新观察|12278 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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