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已有 3680 次阅读 2021-5-12 21:18 |个人分类:药物动态|系统分类:博客资讯|文章来源:转载










进一步免疫学机制研究表明,以gp96蛋白为佐剂联合单价灭活流感疫苗免疫小鼠,能够显著增强疫苗特异性T细胞应答反应,有效诱导小鼠产生针对不同毒株的交叉反应性CD8+ T细胞应答,活化多个针对病毒结构蛋白NP、HA、M1、PB1保守结构区域的CD8+ T细胞应答反应。


图例: 6个流感病毒保护性保守T细胞表位可引发对不同毒株的交叉免疫保护(A和B),以及在不同毒株中的序列比对结果(C)。

孟颂东团队利用汉逊酵母、昆虫杆状病毒等蛋白表达系统实现了临床级别重组gp96蛋白的快速大量制备(J Biotechnol, 2011, 151(4): 343-349)。下一步将在灵长类动物模型中验证该疫苗的交叉保护潜力。鉴于T细胞应答在清除病毒感染、介导交叉保护中的核心作用,以gp96为佐剂的新型广谱性流感疫苗设计,也为其它重要传染性疾病病原的新型佐剂疫苗研发提供了新的思路。

上述研究已经在线发表在Journal of Virology杂志网站——Han Zhang, Huaguo Zheng, Peng Guo, Liuyi Hu, Zihao Wang, Jiuru Wang, Ying Ju, Songdong Meng. Broadly protective CD8+ T cell immunity to highly conserved epitopes elicited by heat shock protein gp96-adjuvanted influenza monovalent split vaccine. Journal of Virology, 2021, DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00507-21https://jvi.asm.org/content/early/2021/04/02/JVI.00507-21



Currently, immunization with inactivated influenza virus vaccines is the most prevalent method to prevent infections. However, licensed influenza vaccines provide only strain-specific protection and need to be updated and administered yearly; thus, new vaccines that provide broad protection against multiple influenza subtypes are required. In this study, we demonstrated that intradermal immunization with gp96-adjuvanted seasonal influenza monovalent H1N1 split vaccine could induce cross-protection against both group 1 and group 2 influenza A viruses in BALB/c mice models. Vaccination in the presence of gp96 induced an apparently stronger antigen-specific T cell response than split vaccine alone. Immunization with the gp96-adjuvanted vaccine also elicited apparent cross-reactive CD8+ T cell response that targeted the conserved epitopes across different influenza virus strains. These cross-reactive CD8+ T cells might be recalled from a pool of memory cells established after vaccination and recruited from extra-pulmonary sites to facilitate viral clearance. Of note, six highly conserved CD8+ T epitopes from the viral structural proteins HA, M1, NP and PB1 were identified to play a synergistic role in gp96-mediated cross-protection. Comparative analysis showed that most of conservative epitope-specific CTLs apparently induced by heterologous virus infection were also activated by gp96-adjuvanted vaccine, thus resulting in broader protective CD8+ T cell responses. Our results demonstrated the advantage of adding gp96 to an existing seasonal influenza vaccine to improve its ability to provide better cross-protection.


Owing to continuous mutations in hemagglutinin (HA) or neuraminidase (NA) or recombination of the gene segments between different strains, influenza viruses can escape the immune responses developed by vaccination. Thus, new strategies aimed to efficiently activate immune response that targets to conserved regions among different influenza viruses are urgently needed in designing broad-spectrum influenza vaccine. Heat shock protein gp96 is currently the only natural T cell adjuvant with special ability to cross-present coupled antigen to MHC I molecule and activate downstream antigen-specific CTLs response. In this study we demonstrated the advantages of adding gp96 to monovalent split influenza virus vaccine to improve its ability to provide cross-protection in BALB/c mice model and proved that gp96 activated cross-reactive CTL response is indispensable in our vaccine strategy. Due to its unique adjuvant properties, gp96 might be a promising adjuvant for designing new broad-spectrum influenza vaccines.


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