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已有 3916 次阅读 2021-4-16 21:10 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Fig.1 SLAC and Stanford scientists observed puddles of 2D superconducting behavior emerging from a 3D unconventional superconductor, which conducts electricity with 100% efficiency at unusually high temperatures. Their study suggests that this so-called "emergent" behavior may be how 3D superconductors reorganize themselves just before undergoing an abrupt shift into an insulating state, where electrons are confined to their home atoms and can’t move around at all. (Greg Stewart/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)


 Fig. 2 Stanford University Professor and SIMES investigator Hari Manoharan. (L. Cicero/Stanford University)

3Carolina web version.JPG

Fig. 3 Carolina Parra (center), who as a Stanford postdoc carried out the experiments that led to the visualization of these intriguing results, now heads a lab at the Federico Santa María Technical University in Valparaíso, Chile, focusing on interdisciplinary studies of nanoscale biological materials. She recently won a grant to acquire and operate the first-ever low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope in South America, which she plans to use to continue this line of research. (Photo courtesy of Carolina Parra)

据美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)网站2021412日提供的消息, 斯坦福直线加速器中心(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center简称SLAC)的科学家,在实验中观察到电子在三维(3D)超导材料中自发地出现在二维(2D)水坑之中。这是复杂的材料中如何自发出现令人惊讶特性的一个例子,科学家希望利用这种现象来开发新技术。



斯坦福大学教授、美国能源部SLAC国家加速器实验室斯坦福材料与能源科学研究所(SIMES)Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES) at the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)的研究员,也是此项研究的领导者哈里·马诺哈兰(Hari Manoharan,见图2所示)说:“这是一个很吸引人的突发行为的例子,它通常很难或者不可能通过尝试从头设计对其进行复制,这就好像被赋予超导能力一样,3D电子会选择自己生活在2D世界中。

该研究小组将这种新现象称为“跨维度超导(inter-dimensional superconductivity)”,他们在2021412日发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上的一份报告中指出,这就是3D超导体在突然转变为绝缘状态之前如何进行自我重组的方式,电子被限制在原来的原子中,根本不能移动。详见Carolina Parra, Francis C. Niestemski, Alex W. Contryman, Paula Giraldo-Gallo, Theodore H. Geballe, Ian R. Fisher, and Hari C. Manoharan. Signatures of two-dimensional superconductivity emerging within a three-dimensional host superconductor. PNAS, April 20, 2021, 118 (16): e2017810118. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2017810118https://www.pnas.org/content/118/16/e2017810118

参与此项研究的有来自斯坦福材料与能源科学研究所SLAC国家加速器实验室(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences)、斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、智利费德里科·圣玛丽亚技术大学(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)以及哥伦比亚洛斯安第斯大学(Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia)的研究人员。

当时还是斯坦福大学和SLAC博士后研究员的卡罗琳娜·帕拉(Carolina Parra,见图2所示)说“我们发现的是一个电子以意想不到的方式运动的系统,这就是物理学之美。我们很幸运地发现了这种行为。”卡罗琳娜·帕拉所做的实验导致了这一有趣结果的可视化。

电子行为异常(Electrons acting strangely

尽管超导性在一个多世纪前就被发现了,但其实用性有限,因为材料只有在接近深空的温度下才具有超导性。因此,1986年科学家们宣布发现了一种新的、意想不到的超导材料,这种材料可以在更高的温度下工作,尽管温度仍然很低,这一消息引发了一场持续至今的研究海啸,其目的是弄清楚这种新材料是如何运作的,并开发出在接近室温的环境下工作的新材料,用于完美高效的电力线和磁悬浮列车(maglev trains)等应用。

这项研究从一种名为BPBO的高温超导体开始,因为它是由4种元素组成:B代表钡(Ba)元素、P代表铅(Pb)元素、B代表铋(Bi)元素,而O代表氧(O)元素。它是由当时的博士生保拉·吉拉尔多-加洛(Paula Giraldo-Gallo)在斯坦福大学教授、西梅斯研究员伊恩·费舍尔(SIMES investigator Ian Fisher)的实验室里合成的。


出于好奇,斯坦福大学教授、西梅斯研究员哈里·马诺哈兰(Hari Manoharan)研究团队用扫描隧道显微镜(scanning tunneling microscope简称STM)进行了更仔细的观察。STM是一种可以识别甚至移动材料顶部几个原子层中的单个原子的仪器。

相互作用的水坑(Interacting puddles



3是卡罗莱纳·帕拉提供的照片。处于中间的就是她,作为斯坦福大学的博士后进行了导致这些有趣的结果可视化的实验,现在是智利瓦尔帕莱索的费德里科·圣玛丽亚技术大学(Federico Santa María Technical University in Valparaíso, Chile)的实验室负责人,致力于纳米级生物材料的跨学科研究。她最近获得一笔赠款,用于购买和操作南美有史以来第一台低温扫描隧道显微镜(low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope),她计划将其用于继续这一研究领域。


他们的观察结果与俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)南迪尼·特里维迪(Nandini Trivedi)及其同事开发的超导体中出现的新兴电子粒度 emergent electronic granularity)理论非常吻合。

南迪尼·特里维迪说:“我们的预测与超导体的标准范式相违背。”“通常,超导体越强,打破超导电子对之间的键需要的能量就越多,这个因素我们称之为能量间隙(energy gap)。但是我的团队预测,在这种特殊类型的无序超导体中,情况恰恰相反:该系统将形成超导性强,但可能以比预期少得多的能量破坏成对的新兴水坑。看到斯坦福小组的STM测量结果证实了这些预测,真是太令人激动了!”

传播此科学(Spreading the science


她说:制造2D材料的大多数方法都是工程方法,例如将膜生长到几个原子层的厚度,或者在两种材料之间创建清晰的界面,并在其中限制2D状态。” “这提供了到达这些2D超导状态的另一种方法。它更便宜,并不需要创造低温环境的高档设备,也不需要几天和几周的时间。唯一棘手的部分将是使材料的成分正确无误。

卡罗莱纳·帕拉现在是位于智利瓦尔帕莱索(Valparaíso)的费德里科·圣玛丽亚技术大学的实验室的负责人,致力于纳米生物材料的跨学科研究。她最近获得一笔资助款,用于购买和操作南美有史以来第一台低温扫描隧道显微镜(low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope),她计划将其用于继续这一研究领域。她说:当我在实验室中拥有这种设备时,我会将其与我在哈里·马诺哈兰实验室中学到的所有东西联系起来,并用它来为智利培养从事纳米科学和纳米技术研究的新一代研究人员。

该研究得到美国能源部科学办公室(DOE Office of Science)的资助。上述介绍仅供参考,欲了解更多信息敬请注意浏览原文或者相关报道


We report signatures of a new phenomenon wherein a hidden “interdimensional” order emerges from a bulk three-dimensional superconductor tuned to approach a phase transition to an insulator. Prior electrical transport measurements found that the superconductor–insulator transition of BaPb1−xBixO3 demonstrated critical scaling behavior but inexplicably required parameters consistent only with two dimensions. Here, we directly image the three-dimensional superconducting state as it approaches an insulating phase and discover that signatures of a two-dimensional granular superconducting phase spontaneously emerge at the transition. Moreover, the properties of this phase precisely match the theory of emergent electronic granularity specific to two-dimensional materials. These findings posit that a three-dimensional superconductor electronically reorganizes itself into a two-dimensional granular superconductor before ultimately transforming to an insulator.


Spatial disorder has been shown to drive two-dimensional (2D) superconductors to an insulating phase through a superconductor–insulator transition (SIT). Numerical calculations predict that with increasing disorder, emergent electronic granularity is expected in these materials—a phenomenon where superconducting (SC) domains on the scale of the material’s coherence length are embedded in an insulating matrix and coherently coupled by Josephson tunneling. Here, we present spatially resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements of the three-dimensional (3D) superconductor BaPb1−xBixO3 (BPBO), which surprisingly demonstrate three key signatures of emergent electronic granularity, having only been previously conjectured and observed in 2D thin-film systems. These signatures include the observation of emergent SC domains on the scale of the coherence length, finite energy gap over all space, and strong enhancement of spatial anticorrelation between pairing amplitude and gap magnitude as the SIT is approached. These observations are suggestive of 2D SC behavior embedded within a conventional 3D s-wave host, an intriguing but still unexplained interdimensional phenomenon, which has been hinted at by previous experiments in which critical scaling exponents in the vicinity of a putative 3D quantum phase transition are consistent only with dimensionality d = 2.


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