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已有 3594 次阅读 2019-9-26 16:57 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事| 化学, 引文桂冠奖, 诺贝尔奖



根据科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)2019年9月24日公布的2019年引文桂冠奖获奖者名单,来自7个国家的19位科学家荣获“引文桂冠奖”,其中化学引文桂冠奖获得者截图如下,仅供参考。


Rolf  Huisgen,德国慕尼黑大学化学名誉教授,Morten P. Meldal,丹麦哥本哈根大学化学教授。




1, 3‐dipolar cycloadditions. Past and future

Huisgen - Angewandte Chemie International Edition in …, 1963 - Wiley Online Library

In contrast to the very large number of special methods applicable to syntheses in the 
heterocyclic series, relatively few general methods are available. The 1, 3‐dipolar addition 
offers a remarkably wide range of utility in the synthesis of five‐membered heterocycles …

  被引用次数:2817 相关文章

Kinetics and mechanism of 1, 3‐dipolar cycloadditions

Huisgen - Angewandte Chemie International Edition in …, 1963 - Wiley Online Library

Criteria for the mechanism of 1, 3‐dipolar cycloadditions which lead to 5‐membered rings 
are provided by the stereoselectivity observed with cis‐trans isomeric dipolarophiles, by the 
effect of solvent and substituents on the rate constants, by the activation parameters, and by …

  被引用次数:1231 相关文章 所有 3 个版本 图书馆搜索

[引用] 1, 3-Dipolar cycloaddition chemistry

Huisgen - Wiley, New York, 1984

  被引用次数:997 相关文章

1, 3-Dipolar cycloadditions. 76. Concerted nature of 1, 3-dipolar cycloadditions and the question of diradical intermediates

Huisgen - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1976 - ACS Publications

The concerted mechanism of 1, 3-dipolar cycloadditions was challenged recently by 
Firestone, who proposed a diradical alternative on thermochemical and regiochemical 
grounds. His arguments are critically disproved here. The retention of configuration of 1, 3 …

  被引用次数:692 相关文章 所有 2 个版本 图书馆搜索

Kinetics and reaction mechanisms: selected examples from the experience of forty years

Huisgen - Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1989 - degruyter.com

Kinetics of parallel reactions contribute to the elucidation of poly-step mechanisms. 
Competing pathways in the reaction of benzenediazonium ion with azide anion helped to 
establish the occurrence of phenylpentazole. Steady state kinetics clarified the competition …

  被引用次数:569 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 图书馆搜索

Mechanism of 1, 3-dipolar cycloadditions. Reply

Huisgen - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 - ACS Publications

Furthermore, 0 radicals are notorious fortheir hy-drogen affinity. The diradical 6 (were it 
formed) should produce the unsaturated hydroxy lamine 8 via intramolecular 
disproportionation; 20 this conversion is expected to be exothermic by «55 kcal/mol. A side …

  被引用次数:513 相关文章



Peptidotriazoles on solid phase:[1, 2, 3]-triazoles by regiospecific copper (I)-catalyzed 1, 3-dipolar cycloadditions of terminal alkynes to azides

…, C Christensen, M Meldal - The Journal of organic …, 2002 - ACS Publications

The cycloaddition of azides to alkynes is one of the most important synthetic routes to 1 H-[1, 
2, 3]-triazoles. Here a novel regiospecific copper (I)-catalyzed 1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition of 
terminal alkynes to azides on solid-phase is reported. Primary, secondary, and tertiary alkyl …

  被引用次数:7702 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 图书馆搜索

Edwin M. Southern,英国牛津大学生物化学名誉教授。




Detection of specific sequences among DNA fragments separated by gel electrophoresis.

EM Southern - 1975 - pascal-francis.inist.fr

Sauf mention contraire ci-dessus, le contenu de cette notice bibliographique peut être utilisé 
dans le cadre d'une licence CC BY 4.0 Inist-CNRS/Unless otherwise stated above, the 
content of this bibliographic record may be used under a CC BY 4.0 licence by Inist-CNRS/A …

  被引用次数:35456 相关文章 所有 11 个版本 图书馆搜索

Marvin H. Caruthers,美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校杰出教授,Leroy E. Hood,美国华盛顿州伦顿市普罗维登斯圣约瑟夫健康中心高级副总裁兼首席科学官,美国华盛顿州西雅图系统生物学研究所首席战略官、联合创始人兼教授,Michael W. Hunkapiller,美国加利福尼亚州门罗公园加利福尼亚太平洋生物科学公司首席执行官兼总裁。




A gas-liquid solid phase peptide and protein sequenator.

RM Hewick, MW Hunkapiller, LE Hood… - Journal of Biological …, 1981 - ASBMB

A new miniaturized protein and peptide sequenator has been constructed which uses gas 
phase reagents at the coupling and cleavage steps of the Edman degradation. The sample 
is embedded in a matrix of Polybrene dried onto a porous glass fiber disc located in a small …

  被引用次数:2228 相关文章 所有 11 个版本 图书馆搜索

Fluorescence detection in automated DNA sequence analysis

…, C Dodd, CR Connell, C Heiner, SBH KentLE Hood - Nature, 1986 - nature.com

We have developed a method for the partial automation of DNA sequence analysis. 
Fluorescence detection of the DNA fragments is accomplished by means of a fluorophore 
covalently attached to the oligonucleotide primer used in enzymatic DNA sequence …

  被引用次数:2201 相关文章 所有 7 个版本 图书馆搜索

Simian sarcoma virus onc gene, v-sis, is derived from the gene (or genes) encoding a platelet-derived growth factor

RF Doolittle, MW Hunkapiller, LE Hood… - …, 1983 - science.sciencemag.org

The transforming protein of a primate sarcoma virus and a platelet-derived growth factor are 
derived from the same or closely related cellular genes. This conclusion is based on the 
demonstration of extensive sequence similarity between the transforming protein derived …

  被引用次数:1763 相关文章 所有 9 个版本 图书馆搜索

A cellular gene encodes scrapie PrP 27-30 protein

…, RA Barry, P Tempst, DB Teplow, LE Hood… - Cell, 1985 - Elsevier

Abstract A clone encoding PrP 27-30, the major protein in purified preparations of scrapie 
agent, was selected from a scrapie-infected hamster brain cDNA library by oligo-nucleotide 
probes corresponding to the N terminus of the protein. Southern blotting with PrP cDNA …

  被引用次数:1749 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 图书馆搜索

[引用] [17] Isolation of microgram quantities of proteins from polyacrylamide gels for amino acid sequence analysis

MW Hunkapiller, Lujan, F Ostrander, LE Hood - Methods in enzymology, 1983 - Elsevier

Materials and Methods Chemicals. Acrylamide, N, N'-methylene bisacrylamide, N, N, N', N'-
tetramethylenediamine, ammonium persulfate, 2-mercaptoethanol, Bromphenol Blue, and 
SDS were purchased from Bio-Rad (Richmond, California) as electrophoresis purity …

  被引用次数:1104 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 图书馆搜索

The evolution of vertebrate Toll-like receptors

…, MK Purcell, KD Smith, LE Hood… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 - National Acad Sciences

The complete sequences of Takifugu Toll-like receptor (TLR) loci and gene predictions from 
many draft genomes enable comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis. Strong 
selective pressure for recognition of and response to pathogen-associated molecular …

  被引用次数:1074 相关文章 所有 14 个版本 图书馆搜索

Circulating microRNAs, potential biomarkers for drug-induced liver injury

…, A Brightman, Z Hu, LE Hood… - Proceedings of the …, 2009 - National Acad Sciences

Drug-induced liver injury is a frequent side effect of many drugs, constitutes a significant 
threat to patient health and has an enormous economic impact on health care expenditures. 
Numerous efforts have been made to identify reliable and predictive markers to detect the …

  被引用次数:1064 相关文章 所有 16 个版本 图书馆搜索

Internal amino acid sequence analysis of proteins separated by one-or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis after in situ protease digestion on nitrocellulose

…, J Leavitt, RA Saavedra, LE Hood… - Proceedings of the …, 1987 - National Acad Sciences

We have developed a general two-step method for obtaining peptide fragments for 
sequence analysis from picomole quantities of proteins separated by gel electrophoresis. 
After separation by one-or two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, proteins are …

  被引用次数:907 相关文章 所有 13 个版本 图书馆搜索

The molecular genetics of the T-cell antigen receptor and T-cell antigen recognition

M Kronenberg, G Siu, LE Hood… - Annual review of …, 1986 - annualreviews.org

T and B lymphocytes participate in the vertebrate immune response through their 
recognition and elimination of foreign pathogens and macromolecules. Lymphocytes 
possess both the specificity and the ability to react with a broad range of structures; these …

  被引用次数:900 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 图书馆搜索



Deoxynucleoside phosphoramidites—a new class of key intermediates for deoxypolynucleotide synthesis

SL Beaucage, MH Caruthers - Tetrahedron Letters, 1981 - Elsevier

Page 1. Tetrahedron Letters, Vo1.22, No.20, pp 1859 - 1862, 1981 0040-40~9/81/201859-OQfO2.
00/0 Printed in Great Britain 01981 Pergamon Press Ltd. DEOXYNUCLEOSIDE

  被引用次数:2723 相关文章 所有 3 个版本 图书馆搜索

Improved free-energy parameters for predictions of RNA duplex stability

…, N Sugimoto, MH Caruthers… - Proceedings of the …, 1986 - National Acad Sciences

Thermodynamic parameters for prediction of RNA duplex stability are reported. One 
parameter for duplex initiation and 10 parameters for helix propagation are derived from 
enthalpy and free-energy changes for helix formation by 45 RNA oligonucleotide duplexes …

  被引用次数:1726 相关文章 所有 7 个版本 图书馆搜索

Process for preparing polynucleotides

MH Caruthers, MD Matteucci - US Patent 4,458,066, 1984 - Google Patents

New and useful intermediate nucleotides bound to an inorganic polymer support, including 
the preparation thereof, and processes for the conversion to oligonucleotides which are 
especially useful for the synthesis of polynucleotides, particularly ribonucleic (RNA) and …

  被引用次数:1243 相关文章 所有 2 个版本 图书馆搜索 

Gene synthesis machines: DNA chemistry and its uses

MH Caruthers - Science, 1985 - science.sciencemag.org

Deoxyoligonucleotides can now be synthesized rapidly and in high yield because of recent 
advances in nucleic acid chemistry. Key innovations include solid-phase synthesis on silica-
based supports and the development of stable deoxynucleoside phosphoramidites as …

  被引用次数:988 相关文章 所有 10 个版本 图书馆搜索

Nucleosides useful in the preparation of polynucleotides

MH Caruthers, MD Matteucci - US Patent 4,500,707, 1985 - Google Patents

New and useful intermediate nucleotides bound to an inorganic polymer support, including 
the preparation thereof, and processes for the conversion to oligonucleotides which are 
especially useful for the synthesis of polynucleotides, particularly ribonucleic (RNA) and …

  被引用次数:629 相关文章 所有 2 个版本 图书馆搜索

Phosphoramidite compounds and processes

MH Caruthers, SL Beaucage - US Patent 4,415,732, 1983 - Google Patents

L., CARUTHERSMARVIN H. 1983-11-15 Publication of US4415732A publication Critical
patent/US4415732A/en 1983-11-15 Application granted granted Critical 1984-08-06 Priority …

  被引用次数:626 相关文章 所有 2 个版本 图书馆搜索 




A gas-liquid solid phase peptide and protein sequenator.

RM Hewick, MW HunkapillerLE Hood… - Journal of Biological …, 1981 - ASBMB

A new miniaturized protein and peptide sequenator has been constructed which uses gas 
phase reagents at the coupling and cleavage steps of the Edman degradation. The sample 
is embedded in a matrix of Polybrene dried onto a porous glass fiber disc located in a small …

  被引用次数:2228 相关文章 所有 11 个版本 图书馆搜索

Simian sarcoma virus onc gene, v-sis, is derived from the gene (or genes) encoding a platelet-derived growth factor

RF Doolittle, MW HunkapillerLE Hood… - …, 1983 - science.sciencemag.org

The transforming protein of a primate sarcoma virus and a platelet-derived growth factor are 
derived from the same or closely related cellular genes. This conclusion is based on the 
demonstration of extensive sequence similarity between the transforming protein derived …

  被引用次数:1763 相关文章 所有 9 个版本 图书馆搜索

[引用] [17] Isolation of microgram quantities of proteins from polyacrylamide gels for amino acid sequence analysis

MW Hunkapiller, E Lujan, F Ostrander, LE Hood - Methods in enzymology, 1983 - Elsevier

Materials and Methods Chemicals. Acrylamide, N, N'-methylene bisacrylamide, N, N, N', N'-
tetramethylenediamine, ammonium persulfate, 2-mercaptoethanol, Bromphenol Blue, and 
SDS were purchased from Bio-Rad (Richmond, California) as electrophoresis purity …

  被引用次数:1104 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 图书馆搜索

[引用] [36] High-sensitivity sequencing with a gas-phase sequenator

MW Hunkapiller, RM Hewick, WJ Dreyer… - Methods in enzymology, 1983 - Elsevier

Reagent Preparation Reagents and solvents used in automated Edman degradation must 
undergo rigorous purification to eliminate impurities that would otherwise interfere either 
with the Edman chemistry itself or with subsequent analysis of phenylthiohydantoin (> …

  被引用次数:693 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 图书馆搜索

Rat transforming growth factor type 1: structure and relation to epidermal growth factor

H Marquardt, MW HunkapillerLE Hood… - Science, 1984 - science.sciencemag.org

The complete amino acid sequence of rat transforming growth factor type 1 has been 
determined. This growth factor, obtained from retrovirus-transformed fibroblasts, is 
structurally and functionally related to mouse epidermal growth factor and human …

  被引用次数:685 相关文章 所有 12 个版本 图书馆搜索

Acetylcholine receptor: complex of homologous subunits

MA Raftery, MW Hunkapiller, CD Strader… - Science, 1980 - science.sciencemag.org

The acetylcholine receptor from the electric ray Torpedo californica is composed of five 
subunits; two are identical and the other three are structurally related to them. 
Microsequence analysis of the four polypeptides demonstrates amino acid homology among …

  被引用次数:617 相关文章 所有 10 个版本 图书馆搜索


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