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有出版商在“研究之门”平台分享精选论文了 精选

已有 6316 次阅读 2019-3-14 02:38 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯| 施普林格, 论文分享, 研究之门平台



据《科学家》(The Scientist)杂志网站2019年3月5日报道,Springer Nature从3月1日起,已经在“研究之门”(ResearchGate)平台分享精选论文了。这个试点项目是Springer 出版商和学术网络平台“研究之门”(ResearchGate之间启动的一个合作项目。其目的在于为应用研究成果提供多种检索渠道。有了这项新举措,2017年11月至2019年3月期间发表在《自然》(Nature)、《自然医学》(Nature Medicine)和《自然神经科学》(Nature Neuroscience)等23种自然杂志上的文章将可以从科学家的“研究之门”(ResearchGate)页面免费阅读。“Springer Nature将上传所有必要的内容,这意味着作者不需要做任何事情来让他们的作品可得到更多应用机会,”Springer Nature的通讯和参与主管的苏茜·温特(Susie Winter)在给《科学家》杂志的一封电子邮件中写道,不过“作者仍将受到他们在《自然研究》上发表论文时签订的出版许可协议的约束。”

根据 The Scholarly Kitchen的报道,这个项目的初始试验阶段将持续3个月,在此期间,“Springer Nature和ResearchGate将收集关于文章被发现、访问和使用的方式和频率的相关数据,以及作者和读者关于他们的看法和经验的反馈信息”。
尽管Springer Nature在其3个平台Nature、Springer和BioMed Central上发表了超过3000种学术期刊,但是,目前还不清楚这些期刊最终是否会在ResearchGate上共享。ResearchGate的通讯主管丹妮尔·本奇(Danielle Bengsch)在给《科学家》(the Scientist)的一封电子邮件中写道:“在试用期间,出版公司将评估新的获取和分销模式,目标是维护和扩大获取科学内容的渠道。”尽管剑桥大学出版社(Cambridge University Press)和Thieme出版公司也宣布与ResearchGate合作,而其他出版商对该网站采取了截然不同的方式。爱思唯尔(Elsevier)和美国化学学会(ACS)已就ResearchGate在德国和美国非法共享受版权保护的作品提起诉讼,其他几家出版商也表示,他们将采取措施改变该网站的做法。

See “Major Publishers File Second Lawsuit Against ResearchGate

Cambridge University Press and Thieme have also announced collaborations with ResearchGate, while other publishers have taken a starkly different approach to the website. Elsevier and the American Chemical Society (ACS) have filed lawsuits against ResearchGate for illicit sharing of copyrighted work in Germany and the US, and several other publishers have stated that they would take steps to change the site’s practices.

“We feel that [ResearchGate] should take responsibility for what they upload and what they allow users to upload,” James Milne, the spokesperson for the Coalition for Responsible Sharing, a group of publishers including Elsevier and ACS that have taken a stance against ResearchGate, told The Scientist last October. “Their view is, I believe, that they feel that they are just a platform and they have no responsibilities in that context. That’s something that we disagree with.”

“Springer Nature’s view is that ResearchGate is a legitimate platform and a platform we want to work with,” Steven Inchcoombe, Springer Nature’s Chief Publishing Officer, tells The Scholarly Kitchen.

Ijad Madisch, ResearchGate’s CEO, notes in last week’s statement that ResearchGate is “looking forward to working with more industry partners with complementary capabilities and strengths like Springer Nature in the future to create the conditions in which scientific collaborations can flourish.”


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