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美国天然产物研究者撤稿12篇 精选

已有 6281 次阅读 2019-1-7 21:28 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事| 天然产物, 撤稿, Santosh Katiyar




天然抗癌药物的研究者,美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(University of Alabama, Birmingham,UAB)研究者Santosh Katiyar,2018年年底已经有6篇论文撤稿,但是,这并非最终结果,进入2019年没有几天,Santosh Katiyar的撤稿数量已经达到12篇(total of 12)。最近撤稿的4篇论文是Santosh Katiyar等人在《公共科学图书馆•综合》(PLOS ONE)发表,另外2篇是在《癌症研究》(Cancer Research)发表的。根据《科学网》科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science)的统计结果,它们一起已被引用超过250次,研究内容包括葡萄籽和绿茶中含有的化合物。更多信息请注意浏览《撤稿瞭望》(The Retraction Watch)网站,部分内容摘引如下,仅供参考。

Here’s an example, from PLOS ONE, for “Green Tea Catechins Reduce Invasive Potential of Human Melanoma Cells by Targeting COX-2, PGE2 Receptors and Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition:”

Following publication of this article [1], concerns were raised about similarities involving two figure panels.

The second and third panels in Fig 5D (Cay10580, 0.1 μM and 1.0 μM panels) are similar. The University of Alabama at Birmingham confirmed that the original data and records needed to clarify the conditions represented in these two panels are not available. Thus, the quantification data shown in the accompanying bar graph, and the conclusion regarding a concentration-dependent effects of Cay10580 on cell migration, are not supported.

Fig 2A (Hs294t, 10 μg/ml EGCG) in [1] is similar to Fig 1B (Hs294, 0 μM Berberine) in [2], even though the panel in question is used to represent different experimental conditions in the two articles. The University of Alabama at Birmingham confirmed that original data and records are not available to clarify the identity of the cells and treatment conditions in the reported experiments. The Carcinogenesis article [2] was retracted in 2018 [3].

Following a joint investigation by the Birmingham VA Medical Center and the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the institutions requested retraction of this article, as the conclusions could not be supported by available data. In line with the institutions’ recommendation, PLOS ONE Editors retract this article based upon the unavailability of original data and records and the ambiguous identification of samples and treatments.

The authors did not comment on the retraction decision.

And here’s one from Cancer Research, for “Interleukin-12 Deficiency Is Permissive for Angiogenesis in UV Radiation-Induced Skin Tumors:”

This article (1) has been retracted at the request of the editors. Following a joint institutional investigation by the Birmingham VA Medical Center and the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the primary affiliations for several of the authors, it was determined that the images for both the wild-type and IL-12 knockout controls originated from the same source and are not from mice with different genotypes in Fig. 4. In addition, the same β-actin Western blot image was used to represent results from different experiments in Figs. 3D and 5B. The original research records related to the figures were not available during the review. Therefore, the institutions were not able to determine which of the published images are correct and recommended retraction; upon internal review, the editors agreed with this recommendation.

A copy of this Retraction Notice was sent to the last known e-mail addresses for all four authors. One author (S. Katiyar) agreed to the retraction; two authors (S.M. Meeran and S.K. Katiyar) did not agree to the retraction; the remaining author (C.A. Elmets) did not respond.

As we reported in May, Katiyar left UAB last year after an investigation that resulted in the university and the Birmingham VA Medical Center requesting 20 retractions. According to the investigation report, which we obtained through a public records request, some of the evidence of image manipulation came from comments on a 2012 Retraction Watch post about an earlier Katiyar retraction.


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