
[回顾] 我们万众一心:StructBoost
王靖琰 2016-6-11 18:47
微信公众号 readpami 求关注,求扩散,求打赏 StructBoost: Boosting Methods for Predicting Structured Output Variables Shen, C. ; Lin, G.; van den Hengel, A. Pattern Analysisand Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume: & ...
个人分类: REVW|4694 次阅读|没有评论
[回顾] 张量积图的扩散:Diffusion on Tensor Product Graph
王靖琰 2016-5-20 21:25
微信公众号 readpami 求关注,求扩散,求打赏 Affinity Learning with Diffusion on Tensor Product Graph Yang, X.; Prasad, L.; Latecki, L. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume: PP , Issue: 99 Digital Object Identifier: 10 ...
个人分类: REVW|5985 次阅读|没有评论
[回顾]高斯马尔科夫后验边界:Gauss-Markov Posterior Margin
王靖琰 2016-5-8 19:23
微信公众号 readpami 求关注,求扩散,求打赏 3D-Face Discriminant Analysis using Gauss-MarkovPosterior Marginals Ocegueda, O.; Fang, T.; Shah, S.;Kakadiaris, I. Pattern Analysis andMachine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume: PP , Issue:99 Digital Object Iden ...
个人分类: REVW|4864 次阅读|没有评论
[回顾] 低阶分享概念空间:Low-Rank Shared Concept Space
热度 1 王靖琰 2016-5-8 01:28
微信公众号 readpami 求关注,求扩散,求打赏 Discovering Low-Rank Shared Concept Space for Adapting TextMining Models PatternAnalysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Author(s): Chen,B. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Lam,W. ; & ...
个人分类: REVW|5073 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
[回顾] 比较的目标相似度:Comparative Object Similarity
王靖琰 2016-4-3 22:15
微信公众号 readpami 求关注,求扩散,求打赏 Improved Object Categorization and Detection UsingComparative Object Similarity Wang, G. ; Forsyth, D. ; Hoiem, D. PatternAnalysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume: PP , Issue:99 ...
个人分类: REVW|4617 次阅读|没有评论
[视频] 在线多核相似度:Online Multiple Kernel Similarity
王靖琰 2016-4-1 22:38
扫描左图关注微信公众号 readpami 求关注,求扩散,求打赏 专门录了视频,解读这篇PAMI论文,一共四段如下。如果各位趴友喜欢, 请加老王微信给老王留言,老王会继续录更多的视频的。 Online Multiple Kernel Similarity Learning for Visual Search ...
个人分类: REVW|3844 次阅读|没有评论
[回顾]在线多核相似度:Online Multiple Kernel Similarity
王靖琰 2016-3-30 00:48
扫描左图关注微信公众号 readpami 求关注,求扩散,求打赏 Online Multiple Kernel Similarity Learning for Visual Search Xia, H. ; Hoi, S. ; Jin, R. ; Zhao, P. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume: PP , ...
个人分类: REVW|3956 次阅读|没有评论
[回顾] 部分共享特征:Partially Shared Feature
王靖琰 2016-2-16 23:32
微信公众号 readpami 求关注, 求扩散,求打赏 Knowledge Adaptation with PartiallyShared Features for Event Detection Using Few Exemplars ZhigangMa ; YiYang ; Sebe,N. ; Hauptmann,A.G. PatternAnalysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Year: 201 ...
个人分类: REVW|3535 次阅读|没有评论
[回顾] 保序稀疏码:Order Preserving Sparse Coding
王靖琰 2016-2-16 20:07
微信公众号 readpami 求关注, 求扩散,求打赏 Order Preserving Sparse Coding Ni, Bingbing, Pierre Moulin, and Shuicheng Yan Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 37.8 (2015): 1615-1628. Order Preserving Sparse Codi ...
个人分类: REVW|3363 次阅读|没有评论
基于辅助属性的人脸对齐:Face Alignment with Auxiliary Attrib
王靖琰 2016-2-12 16:44
微信公众号 readpami 求关注, 求扩散,求打赏 Learning Deep Representation for Face Alignment with Auxiliary Attributes Zhang,Z. ; Luo,P. ; Loy,C. ; Tang,X. ...
个人分类: REVW|4606 次阅读|没有评论

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