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Science: 发现负责复叶形成的基因(转载)

已有 9765 次阅读 2009-4-21 01:13 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记| 植物, 单叶, 复叶, 复叶形成




A Conserved Molecular Framework for Compound Leaf Development

Thomas Blein, et al. , Science 322, 1835 (2008);

DOI: 10.1126/science.1166168




Fig. 1. Leaf shape and expression of the NAM/CUC3 genes during leaf development in eudicots: A. caerulea [(A) to (D)], S. lycopersicum [(E) to (H)], S. tuberosum [(I) to (L)], C. hirsuta [(M) to (Q)], and P. sativum [(R) to (U)]. (A) A. caerulea leaf formed by three leaflets subdivided into three majors lobes (arrow), each of which is dissected (arrowhead). (B and C) In a young leaf primordium, AcNAM and AcCUC3 are expressed in relation to the formation of the leaflet primordial (arrows). AcNAM expression is restricted to the distal side of the primordium marked in (B) by an asterisk. (D) AcNAM expression is coincident with further leaflet primordia (ltp) dissection (arrowhead). (E) S. lycopersicum leaf formed by primary (I), secondary (II), and intercalary (Int) leaflets that have dissected margins. (F and G) SlNAM expression precedes leaflet outgrowth [arrow in (F)] and marks the distal boundary of young or older leaflet primordial (asterisks). (H) SlNAM is expressed in relation with the serration of older leaflet (lt) margins (arrowheads). (I) S. tuberosum leaf formed by primary leaflets with entire leaf margins. (J to L) StNAM and StCUC3 are expressed during early stages of leaflet initiation (J) and are still detected at later stages [(K) and (L)]. Asterisk in (K) indicates a young leaflet primordium showing StNAM expression only on its distal part. (M) A rosette leaf of C. hirsute formed by several leaflets that show mild incision of their margins. (NtoQ) ChCUC1, ChCUC2, and ChCUC3 are expressed during leaflet initiation and at later stages. ChCUC expression is limited to the distal part of young [asterisk in (N)] and older [asterisks in (Q)] primordia. (R) P. sativum leaf formed by several pairs of proximal leaflets (lt) and distal tendrils (tdl). Leafletlike stipules (st) subtend the leaf. (S to U) The PsNAM1/2 and PsCUC3 genes are expressed during leaflet and tendril primordia development. PsNAM1/2 is expressed in the distal boundary of young [asterisk in (S)] and older [asterisks in (T)] leaflet primordia. Scale bars indicate 1 cm [(A), (E), (I), (M), and (R)] or 0.1 mm [(B) to (D), (F) to (H), (J) to (L), (N) to (Q), and (S) to (U)].


Fig. 2. Reducing NAM/CUC3 activity leads to a simplification of compound leaves. (A) Successive leaves formedon an A. caerulea plant silenced for the AcPDS, AcNAM, and AcCUC3 genes. Note the progressive smoothening of the leaflet margins from leaf 1 to 3 (arrowheads). At the final stage (leaf 4), corresponding to early silencing, a simple leaf with an entire margin is formed. (B) Control leaf of P. sativum silenced for PsPDS with three pairs of leaflets and three pairs of tendrils subtended by a pair of stipules (st). (C) P. sativum leaf silenced for PsPDS, PsNAM1/2, and PsCUC3 formed by one pair of leaflets and one pair of tendrils separated by a long, organless rachis (arrow). (D) P. sativum leaf silenced for PsPDS, PsNAM1/2, and PsCUC3 showing fusions between leaflets (left arrow) and between a leaflet and the rachis (right arrow). (E) Control leaf of S. lycopersicum silenced for SlPDS showing primary (I), secondary (II), and intercalary (Int) leaflets. (F) S. lycopersicum leaf silenced for SlPDS and SlNAM showing smoothed leaf margins (arrowhead), fusions between leaflets (arrow), and fewer leaflets. (G) Leaf of gob3 that harbors amutation in the SlNAM gene and is similar to a SlNAM-silenced leaf. (H) Rosette leaf number 8 of wild-type (WT) C. hirsuta and of a line with reduced CUC expression (2x35S:MIR164b ChCUC3 RNAi). A reduced number of leaflets leads to a long, leafletless petiole and the fusion of the leaflets (arrows). (I) First cauline leaf of WT C. hirsute and of a plant silenced for ChCUC3 showing fewer and smoothed leaflets (arrowhead). Scale bars, 1 cm.


Fig. 3. Interplay between the NAM/CUC3 genes and other regulators of compound leaf development. (A) After 2 days of induction of the KN1: GR fusion, the expression of ChCUC1, ChCUC2, and ChCUC3 was increased compared with that of WT C. hirsuta control plants. ChEF1 was used as an internal control. (B) Upon dexamethasone induction, ectopic leaflets were formed on the primary leaflets in C. hirsute expressing a KN1-GR fusion (arrowheads). No ectopic leaflets were formed when the same construct is induced in a background with reduced ChCUC activity (2x35S:MIR164B ChCUC3 RNAi). (C) A reduction of SlNAM expression after SlPDS SlNAM VIGS was correlated with reduced expression of SlLFY and of the two KNOXI genes TKn1 and T6/TKn2. SlGAPDH was used as an internal control. (D) PsNAM1/2 and PsCUC3 expression was reduced in plants silenced for PsPDS PsNAM1/2 or PsPDS PsCUC3, respectively, and correlated with lower UNI expression. PsEF1 was used as an internal control. (E) The ChSTM: GUS reporter was expressed in the petiole and rachis of a WT C. hirsuta leaf, and its expression was strongly reduced in a background with reduced ChCUC activity (2x35S:MIR164B ChCUC3 RNAi). Scale bars, 1 mm in (D) and 1 cm in (E).


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