
Great Love Stories in the Movies Over the Years
热度 8 何毓琦 2013-7-3 05:54
( For new reader and those who request 好友 请求 , please read my 公告 栏 first) The other late night, I watched again a 67 year old black-and-white movie on wide screen TV entitled “DEVOTION ( 魂牽夢 瑩 ) ”starring &nb ...
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The Harvard Kennedy School of Government
热度 1 何毓琦 2013-6-23 19:52
( For new reader and those who request 好友 请求 , please read my 公告 栏 firs t) A Day in the Life of the Kennedy School http://www.hks.harvard.edu/news-events/publications/hks-magazine/archives/winter-2013/day-in-the-life?utm_source=harvardalumnigazetteutm_med ...
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Spying and Surveillance
热度 2 何毓琦 2013-6-8 19:37
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Any modern nation for security reasons engages in gathering intelligence, whether it is against other nations or from her own population. It is a necessa ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|13234 次阅读|8 个评论 热度 2
Local Pride in Lexington, MA
何毓琦 2013-5-30 00:59
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. http://bostonese.com/?p=8465 幸运的 8 ! 孙啸秋获全美数学赛冠军
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An Asian American Experience (2)
热度 1 何毓琦 2013-5-27 21:23
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Recently, Sampan (a Boston based Chinese/English newspaper) asked me to update my May 2000 talk reproduced as my blog post earlier as http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|12843 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
Why Do I Attend Technical Seminars at My Age?
热度 17 何毓琦 2013-5-10 22:08
( For new reader and those who request 好友 请求 , please read my 公告 栏 firs t) The Boston area has over 80 institutions of higher learning, among the most prominent are Harvard, MIT, Boston University, Northeastern University and Wellesley College. Every day there are &n ...
个人分类: 生活点滴|14186 次阅读|30 个评论 热度 17

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