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[转载]The Secret to handle criticism

已有 3448 次阅读 2019-8-13 21:29 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察|文章来源:转载

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I happen to read by accident on line an article with this title and found it very useful. I have transcribed it here since the URL given does not seem to work. Trust you will find it useful too.

Hi, it's Brandon.               

Do you have critics and haters? Well, we all do.               

You know you’re doing something significant because you get people hating       on what you’re doing.               

Whether they think you’re too loud and vocal on social media.               Or you’re being criticized for how much passion you put into       something you love.               

Having haters and getting some harsh criticism are two signs       that you’re doing something worth a damn.               

There’s a quote that goes, "If you’re not pissing       someone off, you’re not doing anything important."               

Another one goes like, "You have enemies? Good. That       means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life."              

And yet another one that goes, "To avoid criticism, say       nothing, do nothing, be nothing."               

Here’s the thing.               People have wildly different, deeply-seated opinions on just       about anything.              

 And if you’re attracting some criticism, that means you’re       pushing one type of opinion or idea so far you’re making people who have       different opinions than yours uncomfortable.               Granted, some people will think that’s a bad thing.               

But if you think about it, if you’re getting attention from       people who have opposing beliefs and opinions, you’re also attracting the       people who share your own beliefs and opinions.               

You’re actually attracting the right people while repelling       the wrong people               

Which is a good thing.              

 If you’re in sales or marketing, having the attention of the       right people, the ones who are your true, loyal fans, will bring you more       revenue.               

If you’re an artist, actor, or musician, having the       undivided attention of your fans (and the hates giving you some free       publicity) will skyrocket your career.              

 As opposed to being ordinary, being safe, and being just       another person with no significant trait whatsoever.              

 If you’re not compelling enough, you’re nothing.               

That’s why confidence is so important. Because if you’re       confident in yourself, you won’t be as bothered by criticism as regular       people.               

It doesn’t matter to you if someone sends you hate mail. You       don’t care if a few people "dislike" your rendition of a famous       pop song on YouTube.              

 Because you’re also attracting true, loyal fans like a       magnet.               

Now, simply telling you to fend off criticism isn’t helpful       on its own. Here’s how to handle them just like how top-performers handle       criticism.                     

 LIONS DON’T CARE ABOUT THE OPINION OF SHEEP               The first thing you have to remember is that one person’s       opinion is THEIR opinion. And it doesn’t mean everyone else in the world       has the same opinion.              

 And lions don’t give a damn about the opinion of       sheep.               So embed that idea into your mind. One person’s opinion is       just that… their opinion.               

It doesn’t mean it’s a fact. It doesn’t mean they’re right       and you’re wrong.              


 Another thing you can do is to quickly determine if they’re       hating just to hate (because, haters gonna hate), because they’re       jealous, or because they’re actually trying to give you constructive       criticism and they just suck at it.              

 If they’re just hating just to hate, then it’s best you       don’t spend a drop of energy on them. Ignore them completely, or just       acknowledge them and send them on their way.              

 A simple, "Okay. I get what you’re saying. You have a       point. However, I guess I disagree because…"               Or even simpler… "Okay, I get you. You have a point       there. Thanks." Then send them off.              

 Spending time arguing and defending yourself only makes you       look less confident and weak. It also shows insecurity because you can’t       accept that people can have different opinions than you.               

There’s also a quote that goes, "He who angers you       controls you."               In a world of trolls and haters, be unbreakable.               GO HEAD TO HEAD               

Now, if you can determine that they’re not simply hating       just to hate, and they’re actually trying to give you advice, or they’re       persuading you to cross over to accept their beliefs over yours by       proving you’re wrong, you can choose whether to accept it and let go, or       face them head on.             

  If you DO choose to go head to head, it’s never wise to be       the one who goes crazy on the attack. It will only make you look like a       loser desperate for attention.              

 Stick to logic and facts. Never lose your cool. When you go       against someone’s beliefs or opinions, get ready to attract some       spectators.               

That’s fine. Showcase your side and as much as possible,       without crossing the line and attacking them personally.              

 The point isn’t to convince the other person who’s right or       wrong.               

Because there’s always two (or more) sides to the       argument.               The goal here is to just show how knowledgeable and sure you       are of your beliefs so you will attract like-minded people who are       watching the show.              

 Remember this, nobody has to fail for you to succeed.               

BE UNBREAKABLE              

 Criticism and haters are normal. It’s a part of life.              

 When you’re doing something you love, something you’re       passionate about, you are bound to step on someone else’s beliefs and opinions       on the matter.              

 You do not need to destroy them.              

 You just have to prove you know what you’re doing.               

Then fans and followers will flock to you.               

Let’s do this.               To Life And Love,        Brandon 


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