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CASE conference 2017 精选

已有 12713 次阅读 2017-8-25 05:15 |个人分类:S and T|系统分类:海外观察

For new readers and those who request to be“好友 good friend please read my "public notice" first .  

I have previously written about the CASE meeting of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society in 2013 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-720546.html This year the meeting is taking place in Xian under the management of general  chairman, Professor Xiaohong Guan of Xian JiaoTong University and program chairmanship of Professor Jia Qing-Shan of Tsinghua University. Both of them are veterans of countless international meetings and organizations. Thus, they are fully conversant with the world class requirements of a premier international meeting but are also able to add old world Chinese touch of hospitality in a new five star hotel setting. All attendees are thoroughly impressed by the content and organizing details of the conference. It is something China and this old capital city can be proud of.

Personally, I am deeply honored and surprised to have many members of my academic family from former students to students of students 4 generations down getting together to donate and establish a IEEE best paper award in my names to be given at this and future CASE meetings. I had the privilege of giving out the first award at this conference. To be alive to participate in such an honor is a crowning event of my career stared since1961.

Another highlight of the conference is the concert about " bridge between art and science" featuring a PowerPoint talk by Prof. Guan as well as a flute performance by Him as the major event of the concert (压台戏). What a talented scholar and meeting organizer!

I am waiting for photos taken at the conference so that I can post them here. Stay tuned.

Here is a site for photos and write up about the conference



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