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已有 7092 次阅读 2009-2-27 07:40 |个人分类:科学计量学研究|系统分类:生活其它

2nd  Announcement



Call for Papers



Fifth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS)


Tenth COLLNET Meeting


 13-16 September, 2009, Dalian, China





Host: Dalian University of Technology


Dalian University of Technology





Quantitative aspects of science of science. Collaboration and communication in science and in technology. Science policy. Combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches.


Theoretical, methodological and applied aspects, for example:

-          Emerging issues in scientometrics/informetrics/webometrics and history

-          Science Policy and collaboration

-          Collaboration Studies for Science & Society

-          Collaboration, Knowledge Management & Industrial Partnership

-          Collaborative Bridge between Academic Research and Industry

-          Techniques for Collaboration Studies

-          Visualization Techniques in Collaboration Studies

-          Quantiatative analysis of  S&T innovations

-          Informetric laws and distributions, mathematical models of communication or collaboration

-          Nature and growth of science and of collaboration in science and its relation with technological output

-          Evaluation indicators

-          Collaboration in science and in technology from both quantitative and qualitative points of view

Please, note that these examples listed above give a broad outline of the scope of the workshop theme but do not limit it.


Dalian University of Technology and WISELAB


Dalian University of Technology (DUT) is located in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian, in northeastern China's Liaoning Province. It is one of the key universities under the direct leadership of the State Ministry of Education. The campus is green, shady and peaceful. Many state leaders have visited the university. Since its foundation in 1949, DUT has experienced the severe trials of over half a century and gone through the persistent efforts of several generations. DUT has developed into a comprehensive university of science and technology, with engineering as its main concentration, other departments including applied sciences and economic management sciences, as well as humanities disciplines, such as social sciences and law. With the support of "the 985 Project" and "the 211 Project", bringing forth the spirit of innovation, DUT is engaged in grasping the historic opportunity of rejuvenating the old northeastern industrial base, and carrying out a talent-training strategy in the hope of building DUT into a world-famous and research-oriented university.

Based on the Doctoral Program in Science Studies and S&T Management, WISE LAB of Dalian University of Technology is an international lab established in September 21, 2005. ‘WISE’ is combined by four capital letters of Webometrics, Informetrics, Scientometrics and Econometrics. WISE LAB is under supervision of Research Center of S&T Ethic and Management of Dalian University of Technology, which is based on Innovation Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences to Ministry of Education 985 Project 2 and Key Research Base for Humanities Science of Universities in Liaoning Province. The directors of the academic committee of WISE LAB are Dr. Hildrun Kretschmer and Prof. Liu Zeyuan. There are 28 members in our lab.

Using methods of scientometrics, webometrics, informetrics and econometrics, we investigate on the rules, strategies, programming, policy and management of S&T in the field of theories of science studies and S&T management. The main research fields are as follows:

Basic theory of science studies

Scientometrics and mapping knowledge domains

Management of S&T, management of innovation, management of knowledge

Policy and strategy of science, technology and development

Economics of innovation, regional economics

Management of environment, studies on sustainable development

Ethics of S&T management, management of higher education

The lab strengthened the construction of basic establishment and we have more than 40 computers and other equipments. We established the website of the lab: www.wiselab.cn (http://www.wiselab.cn/), which becomes the platform of international communication.

Using software like UCINETPAJEK BIBLIEXCEL, CITESPACE and SPSS, we have adapted integrated methods, including mapping knowledge domains, social network analysis (SNA), co-occurrence analysis, co-citation analysis, co-word analysis, MDS, cluster analysis, factor analysis, and frequency analysis of words. Since 2000, we have assumed and completed 34 research projects, including 7 Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 4 Projects of National Social Science Foundation of China, 6 Key Projects in the Ministry of Education. Since 2005, all the members of the lab have published more than 120 peer-reviewed articles or contributions in national and international journals or proceedings, several non-peer reviewed publications.

The members of lab use the methods of mapping of knowledge domains and information visualization to draw serials of maps of the research fronts of science and technology:

We established intimate communication and cooperation with the scholars from Germany, Belgium, France, USA, UK, and Japanese in the field of scientometrics, S&T policy and Management and so on. We established formal cooperative relations with the Philosophische Fakultät I of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2006. Dr Chaomei Chen was appointed as the Chang Jiang Scholars of WISELAB of Dalian University of Technology in 2008. Dr. Hildrun Kretschmer was appointed as the “Sea-sky Scholar” privileged professor of our university and Dr. Ronald Rousseau, the President of ISSI, as our guest professor.

The lab invited several scholars from abroad: R. Rousseau from KHBO, W. Glanzel from ISSRU, M. Mayer from SPRU, F. Heinz from Humboldt-University, J.C. Lamirel from France, H. Etzkowitz from NY State University, etc.We attended several international conferences in the field of scientometrics and S&T policy, like ISSI, COLLNET meeting, and International Triple Helix Conference. Meanwhile, we also organized national and international conference like the 2nd National Conference on S&T Policy and Management & International Forum on Science Studies and Scientometrics, national conference on theories and discipline construction of science studies, cross-straits conference on STS and sustainable development.





COLLNET is a global interdisciplinary research network of scholars who are concerned to study aspects of collaboration in science and in technology (see COLLNET web site at: http://www.collnet.de/). This network of interdisciplinary scholars was established in January 2000 in Berlin with Hildrun Kretschmer as coordinator. Since that time there have been 9 meetings: the first in Berlin, September 2000, the 2nd in New Delhi, February 2001 and the 3rd in Sydney (in association with the 8th ISSI Conference), July 2001. The former ISSI President Mari Davis has mentioned in the Newsletter, July 2003: Importantly, ISSI needs alliance with other groups, such as COLLNET, for broader reach among a range of interdisciplinary researchers and to encourage new thinking and perspectives on investigations in science and in technology. The 4th COLLNET Meeting took place on August 29th in 2003 in Beijing in conjunction with the 9th International ISSI Conference; the International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics and 5th COLLNET Meeting in Roorkee, India, in March 2004. The 6th COLLNET Meeting took place in association with the 10th ISSI Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in July 2005 and the International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics and 7th COLLNET Meeting in Nancy, France, in May 2006. The Third International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, Scientometrics and Science and Society & Eighth COLLNET Meeting took place in New Delhi, India, in March 2007 (http://www.collnet-delhi.de) and the Fourth International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Ninth COLLNET Meeting in Berlin, Germany in July 2008 (http://www.collnet-berlin.de).


Honorary Speaker:

A. Amudhavalli (India)

Local Organiser 6th International Conference on

Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 11th

COLLNET Meeting, Chennai, India, 2010


Invited Keynote Speakers:

Donald deB. Beaver (USA)

Chaomei Chen (USA)

Wolfgang Glänzel (Hungary)

Hildrun Kretschmer (Germany)

Liwen Vaughan (Canada)



Program Chair: Hildrun Kretschmer (Germany, China)


Program Co- Chair: Liu Zeyuan (China)


Academic Committee Chair: Chen Chaomei (USA, China)


Academic Committee:

Hildrun Kretschmer, Jin Bihui, Jiang Guohua, Jiang Zhaohua, Liang liming, Liu Zeyuan, Qiu junping, Mu Rongping, Wang Xukun, Wu Yishan


Organising Chair: Ding Kun (China)



Co-organizing Secretary


Divya Srivastava (India)

Narendar Kumar Wadhwa (India)


Regional Program Chairs:

China: Ding Kun


India: Naresh Kumar


Iran: Farideh Osareh


Other Countries: Frank Havemann


Programme Committee:

All COLLNET Members


Isidro Aguillo, Spain
Petra Ahrweiler, India

R. Ambuja, India

A. Amudhavalli, India

Subbiah Arunachalam, India

AmirReza Asnafi, Iran

Elise Bassecoulard, France

Aparna Basu, India

Donald deB. Beaver, USA

Sujit Bhattacharya, India

Maria Bordons, Spain

Martina Brandt, Germany

Linda Chan, Hong Kong

Blaise Cronin, USA

Robert Dalpe, Canada

Mari Davis, Australia

Sandhya Diwakar, India

Leo C.J. Egghe, Belgium

A. Hossein Farajpahlou, Iran

Hubert Feger, Germany

Lars Fuglsang, Denmark

Isabel Gomez, Spain

Ulla Große, Germany

Brij Mohan Gupta, India

Namita Gupta, India

Frank Hartmann, Germany

Frank Havemann, Germany

Michael Heinz, Germany

Haiyan Hou, China

William W. Hood, Australia

Shabahat Husain, India

Daisy Jacobs, South Africa

Margriet Jansz, Netherlands

C.R. Karisiddappa, India

Sylvan Katz, UK

Lidiya Kavunenko, Ukraine

Mohsin U. Khan, India

Ved Prakash Kharbanda, India

Rajesh Kochhar, India

Hildrun Kretschmer, Germany

Karl-Theo Kretschmer, Germany

Naresh Kumar, India

Sudhir Kumar, India

Ramesh Kundra, India

Jean-Charles Lamirel, France

Loet Leydesdorff, Netherlands

Liming Liang, China

Sofía Liberman, Mexico

Zeyuan Liu, China

Bruno Maltrás, Spain

Bernd Markscheffel, Germany

Valentina Markusova, Russia

Göran Melin, Sweden

Martin Meyer, Finland

Ülle Must, Estonia

Ed Noyons, Netherlands

Dennis Ocholla, South Africa

Yoshiko Okubo, France

Farideh Osareh, Iran

Siew Hock Ow, Malaysia

Maryam Pakdaman Naeeni, Iran

Koti S. Raghavan, India

Ravichandra Rao, India

Ronald Rousseau, Belgium

Jane Russell, Mexico

Shivappa Sangam, India

Andrea Scharnhorst, Netherlands

Annedore Schulze, Germany

Leena Shah, India

Neena Singh, India

Divya Srivastava, India

Johannes Stegmann, Germany

Yuan Sun, Japan

Dimiter Tomov, Bulgaria

Walther Umstaetter, Germany

Liwen Vaughan, Canada

Narendar Kumar Wadhwa, India

Caroline Wagner, USA

Roland Wagner-Döbler, Germany

Yan Wang, China

Vera Wenzel, Germany

Concepcion S. Wilson, Australia

Paul Wouters, Netherlands

Yishan Wu, China

Zoreh Zahedi, Iran

Michel Zitt, France


Conference Fee:


Foreign Participants:               100 Euro

Foreign Students              50 Euro

Foreign Accompanying persons:

                         50 Euro

Chinese participants:               1000RMB

Chinese students:             500RMB


The fee includes coffee break, lunches, Inaugural Cocktail, dinner and banquet. 

Proceedings are included in the conference fee for participants and students but not for accompanying persons.

The sightseeing tour of Dalian is included in the conference fee.


For persons who are interested in, a special extended Tour will be programmed at the last day (with additional fees).

For more information please contact: dingk@dlut.edu.cn



Important Dates & Deadlines:


Extended Abstract (3 pages):

March 15, 2009 (deadline)

Acceptance :     April 15 2009

Full Paper :       July 15, 2009 (deadline)


(camera-ready version, maximum 10 pages including tables, figures, references)

Both abstracts and full papers will be peer reviewed by the Programme Committee. The accepted full papers will be published in the proceedings.


Please send your extended abstracts to:

Hildrun Kretschmer




Please send also a copy to:

Co-organizing Secretary


Ding Kun




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